In the below post, you will learn about all details of Tuna fish like – Marathi name of Tuna fish, 12 types of Tuna fish, nutritional value, 4 benefits, market value, photos, recipes, availability, and many more.
The health benefits of Tuna fish have been appealing to many people who have never tried the first before. As the world went through a recent pandemic, it has made plenty of people aware of the diseases that can happen due to the lack of protein in the diet. Tuna fish could be considered a great placement of nutrients and protein in your diet. As it offers plants of value, much of which you will find reading the article.

Before we get to Tuna fish and its value to your body, first, you need to know about the basic details of Tuna fish in Marathi.
English name | Tuna fish |
Marathi Name | Kupa Masa (कुपा मासा) |
Scientific Name | Thunnini |
Common Name | Tunny,Tunas |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Chordata |
Class | Actinopterygii |
Order | Scombriformes |
Family | Scombridae |
Subfamily | Scombridae |
Genus | Thunnus |
Species | T. albacares |
Marathi Name of Tuna Fish in Marathi
The Tuna fish in Marathi is commonly known as the Kupa Masa (कुपा मासा), but the word the Kupa could also be used to represent a wide variety of Tuna species. The Kupa refers to Bluefin Tuna fish, Yellowfin Tuna fish, and many others that share the same family of Tuna.
Kupa Fish (Tuna Fish) nutritional values
One of the reasons Tuna fish are getting bigger today is the sheer number of nutritious values it provides to the human body. Here in this section, we will look at all the nutritional value you get from Tuna fish.
Water | 59.09 grams |
Energy/Calorie | 770 kJ |
Protein | 29.92 grams |
Lipid (fat) | 6.27 grams |
Iron | 1.32 mg |
Magnesium | 64 mg |
Phosphorus | 326 mg |
Potassium | 323 mg |
Sodium | 50 mg |
Zinc | 0.77 mg |
While regular usage of Tuna fish will not be beneficial, the shorter amount can prove beneficial to your health.
Kupa Fish benefits and uses in different heading
Now that you know the nutritional value of Tuna fish, it is time to learn what they do to our bodies. Here are some benefits of Tuna fish and how they help our overall health.
1. Omega 3 fatty acids.
Having Omega 3 fatty acids leads to a lower cholesterol level and reduces the risk of coronary disease. Omega 3 fatty acid is also great at improving our eyes.
2. Protein filling
A serving of a hundred grams of Tuna fish can help you meet 60% to 70% of your daily protein requirements.
3. Help out control overweight.
Tuna fish is low in carbs and fats, so if you want to change your current diet to meet your fitness goals, adding Tuna fish will certainly help you keep track of your healthy diet.
4. Vision Health
Including Omega 3 fatty acids in Tuna fish will help you improve your vision health. Consumption of Tuna fish will lead to a reduction in any eye-related p-problem in the future. It is all because of omega-3 fatty acid nutrients in the fish.
The popularity of Tuna fish in Marathi areas
It is a popular cuisine in Marathi households, as the dish takes center stage around family gatherings and festivities. If you are planning to buy them from a popular fish market, then you can use the English name of the Kupa masa, Tuna, to get the fish with no trouble.
But if you are down in the rural part of Maharashtra, you must use the Marathi name of Tuna fish in Marathi, Kupa Masa, to get the fish. One thing for sure is that you will have no trouble finding the fish as the popularity of Tuna fish is getting bigger every season.
Species, size, varieties of Tuna Fish
Blue fins and yellowfin Tuna fish seem to be the most prominent ones available in Maharashtra, so you will have no trouble finding the most common varieties of Tuna fish. Below we will go through all the popular variants of Tuna fish available in Maharashtra; most are consumable in various ways.
Scientific name | Thunnus alalunga |
Tackle record | 88 pounds, 2 ounces |
They have the most extended pectoral fins and are known for their lightweight and white flesh. They are meticulous where they appear, and you will never see them near shore.
Scientific name | Thunnus obesus |
Tackle record | 392 pounds, 6 ounces |
They share some resemblances to yellowfin, but their finlets and eyes are more considerable. Many commercial longliners admire the Bigeye for its beauty.
Scientific name | Thunnus atlanticus |
Tackle record | 49 pounds, 6 ounces |
The color of the skin is what helps the fish to earn its name, blackfin.
Black skipjack
Scientific name | Euthynnus lineatus |
Tackle record | 26 pounds |
Some runs are limited to the eastern pacific, and Black Skipjack is one of them. They are found in the waters of California to Peru. The strips go along its back, and smaller skipjacks are very popular.
Scientific name | Thunnus thynnus |
Tackle record | 1,4968 pounds |
Bluefin, regarded as the king of Tunas for its many anglers, is considered the ultimate prize. This giant also earned its anime in the sushi market as people bid hundreds of dollars for bluefin.
Scientific name | Sarda spp |
Tackle record | 18 pounds, 4 ounces |
They are related to dogtooth Tuna and share the same shape.
They are more elongated than other Tunas. Bonitos are excellent on the plate as sashimi or cooked.
Scientific name | Gymnosarda Unicolor |
Tackle record | 236 pounds, 15 ounces |
Home to indo-pacific, they are smaller versions of Bonitos. Dogtooth is more prolonged, leaner, and somewhat a bit angsty. If you plan to hook them up, prepare for a decisive battle; the brutal power is strong.
Scientific name | Euthynnus affinis |
Tackle record | 33 pounds, 3 ounces |
Native to the indo-western pacific, popular among many anglers for good food. They will also put up a good fight as they are powerful.
Little Tunny
Scientific name | Euthynnus alletteratus |
Tackle record | 36 pounds |
They are prevalent fish amongst light tackle and fly anglers. Despite their size, they carry a lot of strength for battle. The wavy lines on their upper back make them appealing.
Scientific name | Thunnus Tonggol |
Tackle record | 79 pounds, 2 ounces |
They were inhabited in indo-pacific, found near shore. The species is also labeled as northern bluefin in Australia, but in reality, they are not part of bluefin.
Scientific name | Katsuwonus Pelamis |
Tackle record | 45 pounds, 4 ounces |
The horizontal stripes appear in the lower half, and they prefer to be in tropical seas. Skipjacks are known globally as commercial species.
Scientific name | Thunnus albacares |
Tackle record | 427 pounds |
It earned its name from its bright yellow finlets, perfect for tropical seas worldwide. For run n gunners, yellowfin is an ideal target as they like to do their schooling and feed at the surface. This fish can grow up to 200 pounds in just about seven years.
Price of Tuna Fish in Marathi telling areas
Most of the fish prices in the local area stay below the 500 rupee mark, and you will also have a wide variety of tasty fish. Again most of the fish are available under the 500 mark, and only some will cross over the 1000 or 750 rupees.
Most fish that stay under the 500 mark will have higher supply and balanced demand from people. So the price will always be affordable; once the demand rises, the price will go over the affordable range.
Another reason why there could be a higher fish price is because of the availability. Exported fish from another area or country will have a higher price tag, as there are a variety of taxes and charges attached to the purchase. So you will end up paying more for the fish than its initial price.
Supply of Tuna Fish in Marathi areas
Tuna fish are available in the local area but are not gathered from the Indian oceans. All of them are exported from other countries, and the demand for the fish has made plenty of people into paying higher prices to get them.
You can get your hands on bluefish Tuna, Yellowfin Tuna, and a variety of others in the local area. In some cases, you might have to use the local name to get your hands on the variety of fish, but most markets are familiar with the English name, and you can still use it to get the fish you want with no issue.
Famous recipes of Tuna fish in Marathi areas
Although the fish is exported from other countries, locals have added their take on the fish recipes and made them better to suit their daily appetites. This section will cover most of the famous Tuna recipes used in Marathi.
1. Tuna Fish Curry
- Tuna fish
- Dried Red chilies Kasmiri or Bedki red chilies
- Grated Coconut
- Coriander and Cumin Seeds
- Ginger and Garlic
- Tamarind
- Oil
- Masala spate
- Vinegar
- Salt
Steps of Tuna Fish Curry Recipes –
- Marinate the fish with a few species and rest it for a few minutes (10 minutes)
- Heat the pan and add 2 tablespoons of oil.
- Add one medium chopped onion, and fry it for a minute
- Once the onion is translucent, add the masala paste and then fry it again for two minutes
- Now rinse the blender jar with water.
- Add a theater to make the curry happen, then add tamarind juice to cover the vessel.
- Lastly, add the Tuna fish to the curry and cook it for five minutes.
2. Tuna Cutlets
- Canned Tuna 14 ounce
- Cilantro 1/2 cup
- Lemon 1/2
- Salt 1/2 teaspoon
- garam masala powder 1 teaspoon
- pepper powder 1/2 teaspoon
- oil (coconut oil preferred) 4 tablespoon
- Egg 1
- small onion 1
- clove of garlic 1
- bread crumbs 1/2 cup
Steps of Tuna Cutlets Recipes –
- Add garlic, onion, and Tuna to a food processor.
- Drain the water from the processor, and add the Tuna, coriander leaves, garam masala, salt, and pepper.
- Add the lemon half a lemon would be perfect.
- Add an egg
- Add in the bread crumbs and mix everything. Suppose you don’t have bread crumbs. Think about adding some boiled potato. Add the shape to your mixture; you can make it round, square, and other figures that suit you the best.
- Heat the frying pan and then add some oil.
- Add the mixture, then fry it until they take the color of golden brown.
- Serve!
Value of the market of Tuna in Marathi area
The value of Tuna in the local area stays under the 1000 rupee line. The demand for Tuna fish in the local area is high, but the availability of the fish is very low since they are exported from other countries.
The raving demand for Tuna will always be higher since more people are finding out about the nutritional values of the fish. The prices will always be consistent; maybe in the future, we might see a decline in the cost.
But for now, the local area’s Tuna fish costs around 600 to 1000 Rs. The variety of the fish might double the cost or lower it. It all depends on where you shop and what type of fish you are planning to buy.
Some Tuna fish Photos

Tuna fish in Maharashtra are growing strong, as you can buy them in the local market, paying a bit more than the other fish. There are also other options for Tuna fish, canned fish, fresh fish, frozen fish, and many other kinds to make changes to your daily diet.
Hope you got all detail about the fish, like Marathi name of Tuna fish, its types, benefits, nutritional value, its supply, and many more from the above article.
What makes Tuna fish famous?
The aesthetic beauty of the Tuna fish is very likable, and they are very tasty. People are finding new ways to consume daily nutrients and protein amounts. Adding Tuna fish is a perfect choice to change things in the diet. While consuming the same type of food might be alright, changing things will open your body to new types of food. So it will learn to adapt to a new variety of food and consume protein from it.
Some doctors recommend Tuna fish to their patients, as they have the beneficial nutrients and protein to nourish your health. -
How much should you consume?
Tuna fish should be consumed in a limited amount; regular use of Tuna fish is not a good idea as the fish contains mercury which is not known to provide any health benefit. So making regular use of Tuna fish should not be considered by anyone. If you are unsure, you need to consult your doctor or your health supervisor for more details.
Should you buy canned Tuna fish?
Yes, canned Tuna fish is also a great way to consume Tuna, but you will not get any benefit as you would have if you decided to go for fresh Tuna. Fresh Tuna is far more beneficial to your health compared to canned Tuna.
You need to get canned Tuna that comes from a quality brand. A reputable brand will have standards to maintain in its marketing, so they always get quality canned food.