The scientific name of the Aadu fruit is Prunus Persica. Aadu or Peach comes under the class Plum. The other famous words for Aadu fruit are peach and Nectarines. The aadu tree was first cultivated and domesticated in Eastern China.
China grows more than 60% of the total produced Aadu fruits worldwide. The tree has edible, juicy, and delicious fruits with various characteristics.

Aadu fruit has yellow or white flesh and fuzzy peel. This tiny fruit is soft and sweet. Aadu is related to almonds, cherries, apricots, and plums. It originated 8,000 years ago in China. In modern times, It was transplanted to Europe from Persia, known as Iran. As per its cultivation place, the name Persia refers to.
In the article below, there is a brief discussion about peach fruit, like Aadu fruit in English, Aadu fruit benefits, nutritional value, cost, types, recipes, popularity, availability, etc.
English name | Peach fruit |
Scientific name | Prunus Persica |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Genus | Prunus |
Family | Rosaceae |
Order | Rosales |
Class | Plum |
Species | P. persica |
Aadu fruit in English name
Peach is the English name for Aadu fruit. The English name is widespread and the most used term for this tasty fruit. People in any region can recognize the name because of its popularity all over the world.
Aadu is the Hindi word for Peach, primarily used in India. But people outside India need help to understand the name, so you should use the common name Peach for better understanding.
Health benefits of Aadu fruit
1. Aadu helps to keep your bones healthy
Aadu has potassium content. It helps to balance out the high salt diet. Potassium is also beneficial to low blood pressure and reduces the chance of bone loss and kidney stones. A human needs 4,700 milligrams of potassium content per day.
It is better to grab the required potassium from fruits than supplements. You can get 247 to 285 milligrams of potassium from a medium-sized Aadu fruit.
2. Aadu fruit Contains many antioxidants and nutrients
Aadu fruit has many beneficial plant compounds, minerals, and vitamins. It contains little phosphorous, vitamin B, magnesium, and iron. The delicious fruit of Aadu is full of beneficial plant compounds and antioxidants.
It helps to protect the human body from diseases and ageing and recover oxidative damage. Eating ripe and fresh Aadu fruits would be best to get more antioxidants.
If you prefer canned Aadu, go for unpeeled Aadu or Peach because it contains the same amount of minerals and vitamins as fresh ones. But fresh aadu is more effective.
3. Aadu helps to Boost immunity power
Aadu is a fruit with high antioxidants and nutrients that help boost immunity. It can also fight against different kinds of harmful bacteria. Vitamin E in Aadu fruit helps boost the immunity power in the human body.
Aadu has little zinc content, which allows clear vision, thyroid functions, and blood clots. The copper content in Aadu helps to boost the immune system, protects the cells from damage, and helps in the growth of teeth and bones.
4. Aadu helps to Protect from toxins
As per a study; you can give the extracts of Aadu fruit to smokers. It can help to remove the nicotine content of the body due to smoking through the urine.
5. Aadu helps to Decrease the level of blood sugar
Aadu fruit may help reduce insulin resistance and blood sugar with the help of some compounds.
6. Aadu Helps in digestion
Aadu helps in digestion. You can get 2 grams of fibre from a medium peach. The total fibre contains the same amount of soluble and insoluble fibres.
Insoluble fibre helps your food to move through the gut, adds bulk to the stool, and reduces constipation. Beneficial bacteria can get their food in the intestines with the help of soluble fibres. The gut cells can get food like butyrate, propionate, and acetate (short-chain fatty acids) through this process. Those bacteria produce these.
Fatty acids in Aadu fruit help reduce digestion disorders ( ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and IBS – irritable bowel syndrome ) and inflammation.
7. Aadu Leads towards good heart health
Consuming fruits like Aadu fruits can improve heart health. It can help reduce high blood pressure, heart diseases, and cholesterol levels, triglyceride levels. Because Aadu fruits are moderate sources of potassium ( a vital nutrient ), they help control blood pressure.
According to a test tube study on the animal, it is found that fruit can reduce LDL cholesterol levels and also triglyceride and blood pressure levels.
8. Aadu Works as a skin protector
The protective effects of Aadu can help the skin to keep itself healthy. It enables the skin to improve its texture and maintain moisture. To protect your skin from Ultra Violate ray damage, you can paste its flesh or flowers and apply it directly on your face. The extract of Aadu flowers can reduce skin tumour development in mice.
9. Aadu fruit helps Protect you from various cancers
Consuming fruits like Aadu can protect you from multiple cancers. The flesh and skin of Aadu fruit contain high caffeic acid and carotenoids. These are antioxidants and work as properties of anticancer.
The seeds of the Aadu fruit contain a compound that helps slow down cancerous skin tumour growth and stop them from becoming dangerous. Aadu has an antioxidant known as polyphenol, which helps to reduce the speed of cancer-spreading cells.
10. Aadu helps to Decrease allergy symptoms
Your body releases chemicals or histamines that occur by the immune system when any allergy catches it. The histamine or chemical can help to reduce the symptoms of allergy. It can trigger itching, sneezing, or coughing, which are allergy symptoms. Histamine is an important defence system of the human body.
Consuming fruit like Aadu may help to produce histamine, And it can prevent allergy. The extract of Aadu or Peach helps to reduce inflammation.
11. Aadu fruit is Easy to add to the diet and widely available
You can add Aadu fruit to your diet easily, and its availability is also easy. You can eat it in baked, raw, sauteed, or boiled form. You can easily incorporate Aadu fruits into cold or warm dishes as well.
Fresh Aadu is an excellent source of nutrients, and you can consume it as a nutrient-rich snack. You can eat it with nuts or yoghurt, and you can also eat it on its own.
12. Aadu Helps in healing
Don’t judge an Aadu by its delicate outer skin or small size. You can get 11% of your body’s vitamin C daily from a medium-sized aadu. It helps to keep your immunity power strong and heal wounds. Vitamin C reduces the chemicals ( free radicals ) which can cause cell damage and cancer.
13. Aadu Improves eyesight
Aadu fruits can get their orangish-golden colour with the help of beta-carotene, an antioxidant. After consuming aadu, it becomes vitamin A. As you know, vitamin A is responsible for good vision.
Types of Aadu Fruits
There are different types of Aadu fruits available worldwide. All Aadu varieties are not equally created. You have to choose the right one according to your need. You can find local and fresh Aadus in summer. Aadu fruit or Peaches in summer are perfectly ripe, blushing, dripping with juice, and plump. You can use them for eating fresh, baking, and grilling.
Various Aadu fruit is different in colour, shape, and size. Some are best for grilling, and others are better for baking.
Aadu fruit contains high sugar and low acidity. These characteristics make this fruit so versatile. You can use it in jam, pies, and cobblers. The three main categories of Aadu fruits are –
1. Clingstone
The name refers to the clingstone peach flesh and the centre stone of the fruit hold each other tightly. These are the best-canned peaches. These are juicer and sweeter, which makes the desert tastier. Clingstones have red dots near the centre stone and bright yellow-coloured flesh.
2. Freesone
You can easily separate the flesh and centre stone of the freestone peaches. This factor makes them best for snacking and baking. Freestone peaches have firm flesh. It is a common variety of Aadu fruit because of its complete harvesting.
3. Semi-freestone
It is the hybrid variety of freestone peach and clingstone peach. It is known as semi-freestone or semi-clingstone Aadu fruit. The flesh and centre stone are attached partially to each other. You can use this variety in so many different dishes.
4. Yellow Peach fruit
The flesh colour of Aadu fruits is mainly white and yellow. But the Aadu fruit with yellow colour is widespread. It comes in orangish-yellow to light-yellow colour flesh with the red colour outer skin. Yellow Aadus are summery and juicy as compared to white ones.
The flesh of yellow Aadu fruits has a sweet, balanced, sweet flavour with light acidity. If you go peach shopping, then sniff it. If it smells peachy, then go for it. It would be best if you also chose heavy Aadus in small sizes.
5. White Peach fruit
White Aadu fruit comes from peach trees in Asia. It has the same smell and flavour as a yellow Aadu. It is low in acidity and slightly sweeter than yellow Aadu. Its flesh is pale yellow, and its pale pink hue is the colour of its outside.
Compared to yellow Aadu fruits, white ones are softer. When you bake them, they can’t hold up like yellow peaches. Grilling them for more flavour or eating them raw would be best.
6. Donut peach fruit
Donut peaches are a variety of heirlooms and have gained popularity nowadays. They resemble doughnuts and have a saucer and flat shape. They have easy handling, a balanced body, a sweet taste, and white flesh. It is challenging to find variety in supermarkets. You have to go to the local farmers for Donut peaches.
7. Nectarines
Nectarines are different from other varieties. Their fuzz-free skin and smoothness differentiate them from other aadu or peach varieties. This type of Peach is freestone or clingstone and may have white or yellow flesh. It tastes sweet, almost like honey. It has an apple-like texture. You can eat it as salad, grilled, baked, or raw.
Some other peach fruits are – Babcock peach, Early Amber, Arctic Supreme, Elberta, and Belle of Georgia.
Nutritional value of Aadu fruit
A medium-sized raw Aadu ( 147 grams ) contains –
Nutrients | Quantity |
Calorie | 50 kcal |
Fat | 0 gram |
Cholesterol | 0 |
Protein | 1 gram |
Carbohydrate | 15 grams |
Sugar | 13 grams |
Fiber | 2 grams |
Vitamin A | 6% of the DV |
Vitamin C | 15% of the DV |
Potassium | 7% of the DV |
Niacin | 5% of the DV |
Manganese | 4% of the DV |
It also contains over 2% of vitamin K, E, phosphorous, magnesium, choline, iron, zinc, folate, and copper.
Some photos of Addu fruit

Availability and popularity of aadu fruit
The temperate climate is suitable for aadu cultivation. For ripening and developing good colour, aadu fruits need high temperatures in summer and low temperatures in winter. In both sub-tropical and temperate areas, aadu can be cultivated.
China produces the largest amount ( more than 14,469,004 tonnes) of aadu fruit in the world. Spain takes second place in the race of aadu or peach fruit production. Spain produces 1,529,919 tonnes of aadu per year.
Besides China and Spain, some other countries produce eye-catching amounts of aadu fruit. Those are – Turkey, France, Greece, and Italy. These countries export this super delicious fruit to other needed countries. A limited amount of peaches are harvested in the Southern hill stations.
Because of their delicious taste, versatility, and health benefits, aadu fruits are so popular worldwide. People love to eat fresh aadu or incorporate it with other dishes to enhance the taste of that dish.
Cost of aadu fruit
The cost of peaches variesaccording to their variety, quality, and availability. You can buy 1 kg of Peach by paying approximately Rs 250 to 700 or more. If you buy from online stores, then you may save some money. You can buy fresh peaches from local gardens. They can provide Peach at Rs 400 per kg, but you do not have to sacrifice the quality.
Famous Aadu fruit recipes
Aadu fruit is mainly used to prepare desserts. You can eat and by slicing them and adding a little lemon juice. You can grill, boil, or bake them according to your choice. You can add it to salads or chickpea curry to enhance its taste.
You can also prepare salsa or a smoothie from aadu fruit. Some famous recipes from Peach are – roasted aadu, aadu bourbon upside, Peach-plum Galette, grilled aadu with vanilla topping, baked aadu fruit with maple syrup, fresh aadu crumb bar, etc.
Aadu fruit provides an eye-catching amount of plant compounds, minerals, and vitamins. It offers enormous health benefits and can easily incorporate with so many dishes. Although it is expensive compared to other Indian fruits, Its availability and good content make it famous worldwide.
Hope you got all the detailed information about the peach fruit, like – aadu fruit in English name, its cost, availability, health benefits of aadu, nutritional value, types, recipes, and many more.
Frequently asked questions
1. How to select fresh peaches?
It is somewhere challenging to choose fresh and good peaches. Because they have a wide variety, some are yellow, some are white, and some are in different shapes and sizes. Yellow peaches are more tart, and white ones are sweeter.
You have to smell them. If they smell sweet, they are well-ripened. It would be best to avoid wrinkled, bruised, and brownish peaches. These are the symbols of overripe and damaged Peach.
It would be best if you bought slightly soft or hard Peach. If you press the peaches and they barely give, they are fresh.
2. How to store peach fruit?
After picking peaches, they continuously ripen. You must put them openly if they are too firm for three to four days. To avoid over-ripening your Aadu fruits, keep them in the refrigerator. You can also freeze the ripe peaches by coating them with lemon juice. In this way, they don’t turn brownish.
If you want to buy frozen peaches, go for those packed in water and avoid the frozen Peach filled with syrup or added sugar.
3. Which is the best time to harvest peaches in India?
The best season to harvest peaches in India is April to May. You can harvest the crops Aadus in these peak months. The hard flesh and good Colour indicate that your Aadus are ready to pick.
4. What are the different types of peaches available?
There are so widely different varieties of peaches available. Babcock, Donut Peach, Early Amber, Arctic Supreme, Elberta, Belle of Georgia, Nectarines, and others.
5. What are the main three categories of Peach?
Peach contains high sugar and low acidity. These characteristics make peaches so versatile. You can use it in jam, cobblers, and pies. The three main categories of Aadu fruits are –
1. Clingstone
The name refers to the clingstone peach flesh and the centre stone of the fruit hold each other tightly. These are the best-canned peaches. These are juicer and sweeter, which makes the desert tastier. Clingstones have red dots near the centre stone and bright yellow-coloured flesh.
2. Freesone
You can easily separate the flesh and centre stone of the freestone peaches. This factor makes them best for snacking and baking. Freestone peaches have firm flesh. It is a common variety of Peach because of its complete harvesting.
3. Semi-freestone
It is the hybrid variety of freestone peach and clingstone peach. It is known as semi-freestone or semi-clingstone Peach. The flesh and centre stone are attached partially to each other. You can use this variety in so many different dishes.
6. How does addu Protect from various cancers?
Consuming fruits can protect you from multiple cancers flesh and skin of aadu fruit contain high caffeic acid and carotenoids. These are antioxidants and work as properties of anticancer.
The seeds of aadu contain a compound that helps slow down cancerous skin tumour growth and stop them from becoming dangerous. Aadu has an antioxidant known as polyphenol, which helps to reduce the speed of cancer-spreading cells.
7. What are the health benefits of aadu fruit?
1. Aadu fruit Contains a high amount of antioxidants and nutrients
2. Aadu Helps in digestion
3. Aadu Leads towards good heart health
4. Aadu fruit Works as a skin protector
5. Aadu fruit helps to Protect from various cancers
6. Aadu fruit helps to Decrease allergy symptoms
7. Aadu helps to Boost immunity power
8. Aadu helps to Protect from some toxins
9. Aadu fruit helps to Decrease the level of blood sugar
10. Aadu fruit is Easy to add to the diet and widely available
11. Aadu Helps in healing
12. Aadu fruit Improves eyesight
13. Aadu fruit helps to keep your bones healthy
8. What are the popular aadu fruit recipes and uses?
Peach is mainly used to prepare desserts. You can eat peaches by slicing them and adding a little lemon juice. You can grill, boil, or bake them according to your choice. You can add it to salads or chickpea curry to enhance its taste.
You can also prepare salsa or a smoothie from Peach. Some famous recipes from Peach are – Peach-plum Galette, grilled aadu with vanilla topping, baked aadu fruit with maple syrup, fresh aadu crumb bar, roasted aadu, aadu bourbon upside, etc.
9. What are the side effects of aadu fruit?
Although there are no such severe side effects of aadu are proven. But the body type of every individual is different and reacts differently. So in some cases – aadu fruit may be fermented in the body’s large intestine, leading to gastric. It would help if you avoided overeating addu. Otherwise, bloating may happen. This fruit contains a compound called amygdalin and also has salicylates. So in the case of some individuals, consumption of aadu may cause an allergic reaction.Â
10. How does Aadu fruit Work as a skin protector?
The protective effects of aadu can help the skin to keep itself healthy. It enables the skin to improve its texture and maintain moisture.
To protect your skin from Ultra Violate ray damage, you can paste its flesh or flowers and apply it directly on your face. The extract of aadu flowers can reduce skin tumour development in mice.