Raavi Cettu, called the peepal tree in Telugu, is a popular ayurvedic supplement.The Peepal tree has a mythical history behind it as it is also known as the tree of life or world free in many Indian subcontinent. The tree is called Ficus Religiosa, and it belongs to the family of Moraceae.
The value of the tree has grown in recent years, as many people are finding out about healthy veg to add to their current diet. Peepal tree is no different; it has plenty of health benefits that can boost the immunity system, and it does come with a long list of benefits that can improve your diet.

If you want to know more about the peepal tree in Telugu name and its value to the human body, the article will go through every little aspect of the peepal tree.
English Name | Ficus religiosa or sacred fig |
Indian Name | Peepal tree |
Telugu Name | Raaviceṭṭu (పీపుల్ చెట్టు) |
Genus | Ficus |
Species | F. religiosa |
Order | Rosales |
This article will delve into all the details behind peepal trees and how they will help you get a better track of your current health. Again the list of vegetables in the market that provides decent health benefits is much more than you might think.
Switching from fast food to a healthy substitute will do wonders for your health. When we look at the peepal tree health benefits, you will know what kind of benefits you will get.
Peepal tree in Telugu name
Peepal tree in Telugu is called Raavi Cettu (పీపుల్ చెట్టు); while the name Peepal tree is ubiquitous but if you hit the local market, you will have to rely on the Telugu variation of the name. The cost of the Peepal tree will also reflect the current demand in the market. But you will have to use the native name of the food to get it.
Meaning of peepal tree in Telugu
While the healthy, beneficial aspect of the peepal tree gets a lot of coverage, in Telugu, the peepal tree holds a different admiration from the people who have long been following an old sacred tradition. The traditional value makes peepal trees in Telugu have more meaning for the people.
The meaning of the peepal tree in Telugu surpasses its nutritional value. The peepal tree in Telugu holds sacred significance for ancient rites of the ancestors. The tree is holy to the people, and its worship dates back to ancient times. The worship behind the peepal tree has yet to have any scientific definitions.
But it does hold a sacred value to the life of the people who long been part of the ritual land. Raavi Chettu, or Peepal tree, also has a variety of value to offer on the nutritional side. We are going to discuss it more later in the article.
Benefits of Peepal tree
The history behind the peepal tree makes it more attractive to people who want to change their lifestyle for the better. Hence, the name tree of life sparks interest in people who have never tried peepal trees before.
According to Ayurveda, the usefulness of peepal trees dates back to ancient times. It can help with any disease that is relevant to thi day in our bodies. The trust in peepal trees has grown over the years; here in this section, we will list all the reasons why peepal trees succeed in the market.
1. Helps with asthma
Peepal trees will help asthma patients, as the fruits from the tree are known to be very helpful in treating asthma. Typically, people here make powder out of the bark and fruit. This process gets done through a separate channel. Once all of that is done, in the end, both of them need to be mixed in equal quantities.
People who have asthma tend to take it three times a day. Other usage includes consuming the powdered form of peepal fruit with water twice daily. You must keep the process going for 14 days to complete the diet.
2. It helps with Poor appetite.
If you are tired of eating fast food that creates nothing but a burning sensation in your stomach, you can change your diet plan to healthy food. Peepal tree fruit will be an excellent option to add to your healthy diet.
3. Good for cracked heels
The milk from the peepal tree can be used for cracked heels, and the leaf extract can be applied to affected areas. It will heal the cracks and soften the skin.
4. Brighter facial features
The powder from peepal tree bark also can leave you with a brighter complexion. Here it would be best if you mixed the bark with gram flour. The mix can help you reach the face; many ayurvedic beauty treatments feature peepal tree powder to accomplish the look.
5. It can help with Eczema and Itching.
Not many people know, but peepal trees will help treat eczema and itching. The ash from the peepal tree bark leaves can also help with the problem. You will have to mix the ash with lemon to create the paste. According to much ayurvedic expertise, this ayurvedic formula works wonderfully for the human body.
6. It helps with Stomach pain.
Peepal tree leaf is an antidote that can help with your stomach ailments. According to many researchers, consuming peepal leaves does help you get rid of stomach pain. Some people may prefer to avoid consuming leaves mixed with anything; here, you can mix 2 to 3 peepal leaves with 50 gm jaggery to get it.
7. Other meaningful values of the peepal tree
Much ayurvedic research showed many positive benefits of the peepal tree and its effect on human beings. Some of the primary diseases that have ruined the lives of many can be helped with the mix of peepal trees. While all the points mentioned above showed what a peepal tree could do, there is still much more it can do, according to many ayurvedic experts.
Peepal trees can help you treat toothache, eye pain, dismay, diarrhea, snake bite, heart disease, ear infection, impotence, and many other systems that come with a significant illness. Besides the sacred value of peepal trees, it does offer plenty of health benefits that shouldn’t be glazed over.
Reference- kamaayurveda.com
Nutritional Benefits of Peepal tree
The Peepal tree has a rich history, as there is much expertise in ayurvedic medicine supporting all the benefits. The peepal tree’s natural value makes them more appealing to people who want to make severe changes to their diet. Here you will see all the neutral deals of the peepal value.
Nutrient | Fresh Fruits | Dried Fruits | Leaves | Bark |
Carbohydrates | 21.2 g | 68.33 g | 19.20 g | 15.4 g |
Proteins | 2.5 g | 8.48 g | 13.55 g | 2.5 g |
Fats | 1.7 g | 0.143 g | 2.5 g | 1.7 g |
Crude fiber | 9.9 g | – | 26.1 g | 9.9 g |
Dietary fiber | – | 69.43 g | – | – |
Calcium | 289 mg | 848 mg | 1.67 mg | 16.1 mg |
Iron | – | 6 mg | 0.18 mg | 623 mg |
Copper | – | – | 0.105 mg | – |
Manganese | – | – | 0.355 mg | – |
Zinc | – | – | – | 0.09 mg |
The peepal tree’s nutritional value makes them attractive for a healthy diet. If you want to add more value to your overall diet by adding a vast range of protein and nutrient diversity, then shying away from the peepal tree will hurt since it has so many benefits to provide for our health.
How do people use the Peepal tree?
While there is no recipe for peepal trees, you can make the dish taste better or healthier. While you could try, there are no clues that it will have the same effect as taking in the concentration amount. You have to grind it or mix it with some other ingredient to get the best value out of them. The elements that go well with peepal trees can be significant in numbers. Not all of them will have the same effect; things will be different compared to the others.
You can access numerous benefits when you mix the peepal tree bark or leaf with the right ingredients. Sometimes it may not be optimal for anyone to experiment with an extended range of mixes to get the best benefits. Some of them might not be good for you, but here you can rely on line guides and consumer reviews to get the gist of what you need to make the best of your day.
If you are running low on a sound diet system, countless guides have been written to mix the peepal tree with the correct ingredient and the dosage amount. All of them will play a significant role in improving your health.
Powder Form
The dried peepal tree fruit with water will help with asthma; if the person is suffering from a cough, you can add honey to make it more efficient. Adding honey also makes the peepal power more sweet and musical. For children, the administration could have some butter for a better taste.
Cream for skin
Boiling the peepal bark will help with itching or eczema. Mixing it with water will help you deal with skin eruptions. The research on the cream lacks substance; there is not much research done on this subject. The bark will also be beneficial for toothaches.
Peepal tree leaves
Here you need to grind the peepal leaves and cook them with sesame oil to eliminate any ear problems. You don’t have to take a large dosage of it; keeping it in a small amount will be perfect for the change.
Almost every recipe with peepal trees you come across on the internet might help your case but don’t put all of your chips on it. Most of them are not 100% guaranteed by the researchers; the lack of studies on the peepal tree is a problem that is prevalent today.
Some peepal tree photos

Peepal tree in Telugu holds severe meaning as it also provides many health benefits to the body and mind. Peepal trees can help your body stay healthy for a long time. But before you try it out, always contact your physical health to make sure your body can react to the tree power or cream without showing any new signs or symptoms.
Here are the most asked questions around the internet about peepal trees and their usage.
Can you use a peepal tree for your wounds?
The powdered bark of the peepal tree can be applied with some oil to deal with hounds. The stem’s bark needs to be oil in the water to be used in the infected area of the body, which might lead to healing. Doing it on your own is a terrible idea; you will have to consult an ayurvedic physician to look after the treatment and dosage amount of the product.
Are peepal trees good for your toothache?
The bark of the peepal tree leads to healthy gums and might reduce the occurrence of toothache. Some guides have been written to help you prepare the right mix for your gums using peepal trees.
Can you use a peepal tree to help with menstrual problems?
The data regarding such promises lack research and studies. There are no such studies or research that promotes peepal tree can have a positive effect on menstrual problems. If you have mental issues, it is better to open the door to an actual doctor than rely on self-medication.
Can you use a peepal tree during pregnancy?
Again the data here is lacking, and you can’t use peepal trees during pregnancy. There is no data or studies of any kind that supports this claim. If you are planning to take peepal tree juices or any form of product, consult a doctor before you drink it.
Should you consult your doctor before trying out peepal tree products?
Yes, you should always consult your doctor whenever you decide to put anything into your body. This is especially the case when you are suffering from a disease; trying out any unorthodox solution might sound good on paper. But in reality, it will stir many things in your body, which is not something you want to happen when your health is vulnerable. Here you need to contact your health physician, who knows about your health, so they will outright tell you what you should take in vulnerable times without trying something new.
Some people react differently to the ideas that have worked for others. Always contact your doctor before trying out some new solution.