Flax seeds in kannada are called Agasi. Some people might not view seeds as a prominent nutrient product to add to your diet, but they can bring a lot of healthy nutrients and a fair share of profits to your body. The sheer amount of benefits is what made Flax seeds a perfect ingredient to add to your daily intake.
Flax seeds have earned their staying power for centuries due to a variety of reasons; this article will shed light on some of them to give you a clear idea of what you can expect from them after consumption.
Flax seeds do come with a lot of interesting details that you should know about before consuming them. This article will go through all the major benefits, nutrients list, and its share of side effects of Flax seeds in kannada to show you how your body will react to it.

One of the major perks of eating Flax seeds is their diverse usage; people have been posting guides and video guides about the Flax seed’s benefits to our health. As a reader, you will have almost thousands of options to cook with flax seeds to make the dish more interesting.
If you wish to change up some of the traditional dishes or are planning to add a new take on the creation of the food, then you need to start thinking about cooking with flax seeds.
When you look at the studies, you will find flax seeds are known as healthy; when focusing on a particular type of seed, you will have to know more than just taking it directly without any prior knowledge.
English name | Flax seed |
Kannada name | Agasi |
Binomial Name | Linum usitatissimum L. |
Family | Linaceae |
Order | Malpighiales |
Genus | Linum |
Species | L. usitatissimum |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Clade | Tracheophytes |
Clade | Angiosperms |
Clade | Eudicots |
Clade | Rosids |
Flax seeds in Kannada name
Flax seeds are known as Alsi in many parts of the world; Flax seeds in Kannada, the name of the flax seeds spells out Agasi. But the seeds do have their fair share of naming lists when you visit other states of india, which tells you how popular the seeds are in the country.
The cultivation of flax seeds is native to West Asia, the Mediterranean coastal lands, Asia Minor, Egypt, Algeria, Tunis, Spain, Italy, and Greece.
Flax seeds are widely popular in many parts of india. Some people might mistake Flax seeds for other similar appearing seeds since the visual appearance of flax seeds can fall into the same circle as the other ones. But here, the flax seeds are completely different compared to others. This section will go through the scientific breakdown of flax seeds in kannada.
Flax comes from the Linaceae family, a more mint family native to West Asia and the Mediterranean coastal lands, Asia Minor, Egypt, Algeria, Tunis, Spain, Italy, and Greece. The rising popularity of flax seeds resides in the list of nutrients it has to offer to our bodies.
The benefits of flax seeds are also very well known to many who consume the seeds on a daily basis. The seeds here contain a fair amount of protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acid cells. All the nutrients will keep you maintaining your overall health.
some photos of flax seeds

Health benefits of Flax seeds
Flax seeds have been linked with a long range of healthy nutrients and protein; regular consumption of the seeds might help your body positivity. While the research on this subject might not be big compared to others, some of them do show extreme potential behind flax seeds and their effect on our health.
The studies here are very low compared to others; some studies have shown flax seed is very effective against common diseases that most people have in their lives.
This section will cover all the major health benefits of flax seeds and how it handles major problems in our bodies without jeopardizing our health. Here are some of the major health benefits of flax seeds that affect our health in a positive manner.
1. The nutritious value of flax seeds
First, we look at the nutrient facts of flax seeds and how they influence our bodies. Most of the benefits of flax seed will come from the amount of nutrients present in the seed. They will be linked together, so knowing about the nutrients will give you a clear insight into how they will affect your body in meaningful ways.
Vitamins | DV†| Quantity |
Thiamine (B1) | 143% | 1.644 mg |
Riboflavin (B2) | 13% | 0.161 mg |
Niacin (B3) | 21% | 3.08 mg |
Pantothenic acid (B5) | 20% | 0.985 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 36% | 0.473 mg |
Folate (B9) | 22% | 87 μg |
Vitamin C | 1% | 0.6 mg |
Calcium | 26% | 255 mg |
Iron | 44% | 5.73 mg |
Magnesium | 110% | 392 mg |
Phosphorus | 92% | 642 mg |
Potassium | 17% | 813 mg |
Zinc | 46% | 4.34 mg |
While studies on the topic are lacking, we will see more research being done on the subject to draw more conclusions on how the seeds are affecting our health.
2. It might help with controlling blood sugar levels
Flax seeds might lead to low blood pressure levels in your body. The research here took around six months and showed people consuming flax seed experienced lower blood pressure. They had to consume three tablespoons, around 30 grams of flax seeds, on a daily basis. The study showed people experienced a 10 and 7 mm Hg reduction in systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels.
Some papers did link Flax seeds to preventing heart disease by reducing blood pressure levels. As flax seeds help regulate blood cholesterol and increase the heart level of healthy omega-3 fatty acids.
3. Availability of essential vitamins
Flax seeds come with a decent source of several vitamins and minerals:
Thiamine is a vitamin B; the vitamin also has another name, vitamin B1. They are essential for normal metabolism and nerve function.
Copper is a well-known mineral that can lead to growth, development, and various bodily functions.
Flax seeds come with large quantities of molybdenum, which is another healthy component found in seeds, grains, and legumes.
Magnesium is also considered an essential element that can bring plenty of good rapid changes to your body, and magnesium is often found in high amounts in grains, seeds, nuts, and green leafy vegetables.
This particular type of mineral resides in protein-rich foods. They often contribute to bone health and tissue maintenance.
4. Possible Lowering the Risk of Heart Disease
Flax seeds have a large number of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Intaking flax seeds might lower the risk of heart disease in your body. The seeds have also been known to reduce the LDL cholesterol in your blood, lowering heart diseases. Some other studies did manage to link omega-3 fatty acids to lowering heart disease risk.
Consuming Flax seeds might lead to lower blood sugar levels which will have an impact on blood cholesterol levels; the research here showed the number could be a whopping 6 to 11%. The studies indicated a 9 to 18% reduction in LDL (which is a bad cholesterol for our body) cholesterol particles.
Almost all the benefits you read about flax seeds come from studies done on non-human species. The benefits here are supported by the animal studies paper that linked Flax seed to all the major benefits behind the seed.
Some people have used Flax seeds as a more useful cholesterol-lowering medication. The high fiber and lignin content found in flax seeds makes them more effective against blood cholesterol or sugar level in the body.
Almost all the studies done on the topic lead to animal studies. The result might differ for human beings compared to animals that share a different body structure.
5. Other potential benefits
Here are some of the other potential benefits that come from the Flax seeds for health.
Weight management
The flax seed comes with a component called soluble fiber. This Fiber does an excellent job of reducing hunger and craving we have in our daily life, which will potentially lead to weight loss. Studies here also shed light on the people who added seeds to their diet; these people experienced a loss of 2.2. Pounds or 1 kg compared to other groups.
Omega 3 acid cell
The presence of omega-3 fatty acids can lead to a long list of benefits. Mostly you find this component in a fish, but it is present in flax seeds. Here the range of benefits includes blood platelet function, inflammation, and blood pressure. Some studies do link the flax seed impacting heart health.
These are the list of benefits that have made flaxseed one of the popular items in the market. When you are reading about the benefits of flaxseed, you will need to see if they are backed up by any evidence or not.
Side effects of flax seeds
Side effects are very ubiquitous in many food products available for purchase. Even if the food promises various health benefits, they are bound to have plenty of side effects.
Some people might go through allergic reactions to Flax seeds, but they will have to consult a doctor to know their body compatibility with the seeds. Here are some of the side effects of flax seeds present in flax seeds.
Some studies do show flax seeds lead to digestive issues, allergic reactions, stomachache, and nausea. You can think about using Flax seeds for a balanced diet, but it has to be done with proper precautions or dosage limitations, which will be enough to keep the side effects at bay.
Before you take the flax seeds, you must ask your doctor to check your body’s compatibility so you will not go through any major allergic reaction from it. Most people will not go through any health issues when they consume Flax seeds.
Nutrients Values in Flax seeds
When you are making a switch to more healthy food-related products in modern times, you will need to think of the issue in a practical and non practical way. Making the seeds a more regular item will give you a solid number of benefits to your body as your craving for fast food and other easily available comfort food items might see a long-needed decline.
All the benefits of flax seeds will help your body stay positive and healthy. When you take a look at the nutrients they have to offer, you will know why flax seeds are so popular in the market.
You will have to change your current dietary routine to a more healthy balanced diet for yourself and your body to run on a proper supply of protein every day. You can think about skipping it, but it will not be good for your health.
Take a look at any online and local market in the world, and you will have little to no trouble finding healthy food for your health. A sizeable amount of flax seeds should be taken into consideration, as they will help your body to get better, and at the same time, they will help keep your diet pretty amazing. This section will cover the nutrition facts of flax seeds.
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)
Nutrients | Amount |
Energy | 2,234 kJ (534 kcal) |
Carbohydrates | 28.88 g |
Sugars | 1.55 g |
Dietary fiber | 27.3 g |
Fat | 42.16 g |
Saturated | 3.663 g |
Monounsaturated | 7.527 g |
Polyunsaturated | 28.730 g |
Omega‑3 | 22.8 g |
Omega‑6 | 5.9 g |
Protein | 18.29 g |
Vitamins | DV†| Quantity |
Thiamine (B1) | 143% | 1.644 mg |
Riboflavin (B2) | 13% | 0.161 mg |
Niacin (B3) | 21% | 3.08 mg |
Pantothenic acid (B5) | 20% | 0.985 mg |
Vitamin B6 | 36% | 0.473 mg |
Folate (B9) | 22% | 87 μg |
Vitamin C | 1% | 0.6 mg |
Minerals | DV†| Quantity |
Calcium | 26% | 255 mg |
Iron | 44% | 5.73 mg |
Magnesium | 110% | 392 mg |
Phosphorus | 92% | 642 mg |
Potassium | 17% | 813 mg |
Zinc | 46% | 4.34 mg |
Other constituents | Quantity |
Water | 7 g |
Information – (μg = micrograms • mg = milligrams
IU = International units) (Data Taken from Wiki)
The cost of Flax seeds in Kannada areas
The cost of Flax seeds will come to around 100 to 300 rupees, as these seeds are very cheap, and you can find them on many ecommerce websites. Seeds’ popularity comes from easily available information found on the internet.
For anybody who wants to make sudden or slow changes to their diet plan to improve their health, adding Flax seeds might be an idea you can stand behind as these seeds carry a handful of healthy nutrients and minerals that you can see above, as these nutrients will improve your health and prevent any disease from latching on to your body.
Flax seeds are highly demanding online and in the local market. The sheer number of varieties you will find in the market has also made them better quality than ever before. Countless guides and videos you can look at to get an idea about how to work with flax seed on daily usage.
The local Indian market will always have large varieties of Flax seeds-related products. Each one of them will have their own unique feature list along with its pricing. The popularity of flaxseed can also be found online.
Settling for bulk purchase of flax seeds will lead to a larger discount on the end cost. You can think about using coupons or various other forms of discounts to get the entire cost of the purchase down to a few numbers.
When you look at many ecommerce websites available online, they will always throw offers on Flax seeds or other food ingredients with discounts and sale dates, which can cut off the cost to 25% or even higher.
Local recipes of Flax seeds in Kannada areas
Kannada households have used the flax seeds recipes on more traditional available dishes. They have taken a traditional sense of Flax seed recipes in their regular common cuisine. Some modern dishes have also adopted the use of Flax seeds.
But in recent years, we are seeing more restaurants adopting flax seeds to create new cuisines as these restaurants have found new ways to cook Flax seeds to make the dish healthier and better for the consumer. Flax seeds recipes can be very experimental; Kannadaians share most of the species online, so you will not have trouble finding them.
Flax seeds will get more popular as the internet has opened up the mind of many people who want to make decent changes to their diet plans. The sheer number of health benefits of flax seeds is what draws people to flax seeds in the market.
At the same time, you will find many dishes in local restaurants that come with Flax seeds. The menu may not describe the usage of Flax seeds listed on the dish, but it might have the ingredient in the dish.
Flax seeds in Kannada have a different name, but everything else stays the same. The benefits and nutritional factors behind flax seeds are one of the noteworthy aspects of the seed. They are an excellent ingredient that can be taken with other available ingredients for long-range effects.
You can find countless guides and videos that will easily teach you how to add Flax seeds for cooking. The diverse range of cuisine and usage of flax seeds makes the dishes come off better.
Here are the most asked questions about Flax seeds.
1. Do Flax seeds work with skin problems?
Yes, Flax seeds do show great potential against many skin problems. The seed does come with antioxidants for better skin solutions. Flax seeds will help your skin to tighten and prevent sagging of the skin. Mixing the Flax seeds with others might enhance the quality of the ingredient.
2. Can I get Flax seeds at an affordable price?
Flax seed products can easily be found in the market for under 100 rupees. There is always an ecommerce website that will take the flax seed products to even low numbers.
When you are shopping online, you need to check out the reviews to see the quality of the Flax seeds inside the box. The quality matters a lot here; if you switch to higher brands, then you might have to deal with the cost staying between 500 to 600 rupees.
The quality aspect of flax seed will play a major role in deciding the price. Here it would be best if you looked for the advantages of the products before you decide to buy them.
3. Does flaxseed come with any health benefits?
Flax seeds do help in improving digestive health or relieving constipation; you can use flax on many dishes. It is the benefits that push flaxseed into the market. Now thanks to the internet, many people are fully aware of the benefits of flaxseed for our health.
It would be best if you looked at the side effects of flaxseed before you think about purchasing it. If you never had it before, then you should consult a doctor, as an allergic reaction is part of most of the ingredients that get sold in the market.