Salmon fish is a trendy item on any restaurant menu. Some restaurants might offer it with various twists on the dish, but the price here will always stay on the expensive radar. Salmon fish is a delicious seafood item in any seafood joint.
The other aspect of the salmon fish is the option it provides to the chefs. Nearby you will see dozens of varieties of salmon fish in a restaurant. Each one of them will have a different tasting with pricing linked to it.

In the article, you will go through the little too big information about Salmon fish and its pricing in the modern market. We will also cover the benefits and protein value that come with the out exotic seafood.
Salmon fish in Bengali Name
Salmon fish in Bengali don’t exist, as the fish is not found around the headwaters of the Indian ocean. Most of the local markets have fish exported from other places. The pronunciation of the word Salmon fish falls into the English name. In short, you don’t have to go through the trouble of learning the Bengali name for Salmon fish. You can use the English name to get the fish in any local shopping market.
Shopping online doesn’t break the momentum either; here, you will also have to use the English name of salmon fish since there is no Bengali name. But you will find a Bengali variety of Salmon fish named Rawas.
Bengali Name | Some people called Teela or Tela Fish |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Chordata |
Class | Actinopterygii |
Order | Salmoniformes |
Family | Salmonidae |
Sub Family | Salmoninae |
The popularity of Salmon fish has given way to many markets opening their arsenal to more seafood types. People interested in these exotic foods have caused a need to change their shift towards more acceptable foods. Salmon fish is getting very popular fast, thanks to social media.
Benefits of Salmon fish
Since we are aware of all the nutrient values of salmon fish, now we will look at the sheer number of benefits Salmon fish offers to our health. The popularity of salmon fish solely comes from the taste, but the range of benefits also makes the fish appealing.
1. Protein
High-quality protein has always been part of salmon fish; it offers critical nutrients to the diet. It will assist you in recovering the injuries, support your bone health, and preserve muscle mass during weight loss. As our bodies get older, all of the problems mentioned earlier will appear on the surface; here, having nutrients will help your case greatly by enhancing your overall health. If you bring 100 servings of Salmon, it includes around 20 to 25 grams of protein.
2. Presence of Vitamins
Vitamin B is one of the essential vitamins present in Salmon. Here is the list of other major vitamin-related nutrients that come with Salmon.
- Vitamin B12: more than 100% of the DV
- Niacin: 63% of the DV
- Vitamin B6: 56% of the DV
- Riboflavin: 38% of the DV
- Pantothenic acid: 38% of the DV
- Thiamine: 23% of the DV
- Folic acid: 7% of the DV
They will enable your food to become energy, repair and create DNA, and lower chronic inflammation. Overseeing all of them will help contain illnesses.
3. Good source of potassium
Salmon fish also offers a sufficient quantity of potassium; a 100 gram of Salmon holds around 13% of the DV compared to a framed salmon, where the percentage poses near 8%. Wild Salmon includes around 9% of potassium. Maintaining potassium in your body will negate your blood pressure and lessen the threat of stroke. People who ingest a large amount of sodium should pay attention to their blood pressure levels.
Salmons have also been connected with helping bone health since they contain Vitamin D. Some analyses show salmon fish intake leads to excellent eye vision. Most possible advantages haven’t gained their way to the paper since there is a lack of research in seafood investigation. Most of the health advantages that have been covered might not be backed up by truth.
Some Products of Salmon fish
Click here to Check Some products of salmon fish on amazon.
Side effects of consuming Salmon fish
You should be aware of a list of side effects before you start thinking about adding Salmon to your overall diet. At first, the cost here does matter; if you want to save money from your food expenses, Salmon might not be the best seafood to add to your diet.
1. PCB and Dioxin
Salmon fish frequently harbors contaminants, particularly if you get the fish from a cultivated market; they will contain PCB and Dioxin, and these two will not bring anything new to your body. Consumed higher, then PCB and dioxin elements will negatively influence the body.
2. Mercury Presence
Mercury content is also available in salmon fish. So consuming more of the food will put your body at risk. The mercury in the salmon fish is much quieter than the other seafood in the market.
3. Risk for pregnant women
Pregnant women should take 2 to 3 servings of fatty fish per week; they must bypass uncooked or raw seafood. Lastly, the existence of antibiotics in salmon fish will result in various health problems for your body.
Nutrients found in Salmon fish
This section covers all nutrients in the Salmon fish and how they influence our bodies. Most people see Salmon fish as a delicious food with many hidden benefits carrying fewer side effects; If you are watching your weight, you don’t have to put too much thought into it.
Some people may not know Salmon fish also has a low amount of fat and calorie count, but they are pretty healthy amino acids, which translates to protein in our body,
The nutrients listed below are taken from 100 grams of Salmon fish cooked by a moist heat cooking method. This level of the cooking pattern is widespread and traditional in the coastal area of india.
nutrients | Wild Salmon | Farmed Salmon |
Calories | 182 | 206 |
Protein | 25 Grams | 22 Grams |
Fat | 8 Grams | 12 Grams |
Vitamin B12 | 127% of the Daily Value (DV) | 117% of the DV |
Vitamin B6 | 56% of the DV | 38% of the DV |
Selenium | 85% of the DV | 75% of the DV |
Niacin | 63% of the DV | 50% of the DV |
Pantothenic Acid | 38% of the DV | 30% of the DV |
Thiamine | 23% of the DV | 28% of the DV |
Phosphorus | 21% of the DV | 20% of the DV |
The number of nutrients here can add a lot of edges to the body and set a better widespread diet. The dissimilarity between wild Salmon and farmed Salmon is minute, but they matter.
When examining wild Salmon, you will get a ton of nutrients corresponding to farmed Salmon. Wild Salmon has always been a choice for people who had it before. So they know the flavor and nutrient dissimilarities between the two products.
Salmon fish includes rich source nutrients: Vitamin B12 and selenium, making it an excellent choice for maintaining red blood cells, synthesizing DNA, and harmful oxidation. Salmon fish are uniform in their heart-healthy nutrients.
This is prone to reduce inflammation and better protect against heart disease. In short, Salmon here is inferior in calories and fat, but it gives out many essential vitamins B6, B12, copper, iron, zinc, and more.
Cost of Salmon fish in Bengali areas
The expense of salmon fish will be between 900 to 2000 rupees; again, the premium grade Salmon fish will have a higher cost. At the same time, you will encounter other varieties of salmon fish that will go past 5000 to 10,000 rupees. Salmon fish has consistently been a costly seafood in the market.
If you want to purchase premium-grade Salmon fish, you must pay a lot of money for it. Regional markets might offer a smoother clash on salmon fish cost; meanwhile, the online world will be just the same, if not more, but most websites offer discounts and coupons to lower the overall cost.
The opening price for a Salmon fish will stay at 900 rupees; in some local markets, one can easily find Salmon fish for under 800 rupees. But it would be best if you faced a limitation on the cost here; any product under the 500 threshold should raise some eyebrows. Coastal markets might offer a lower price for the Salmon. But skipping over any salmon fish that sits between 400 to 500 rupees is better.
If you enjoy the type of Salmon fish, you must go online, as local markets will have a narrow range of Salmon fish types. The online market will allow you to access various kinds of Salmon fish, ranging from cheap to pricey. The taste and crafting style for cuisine will also alter when working with Salmon. It will be challenging to cook costly food if you don’t know how to proceed.
Local scene of Salmon fish in Bengali areas
Sea foods are very crafty in their practice, as chefs found ways to create new dishes to sell the fish. Salmon fish is predominant in many fancy restaurants, with few choices on the menu. Salmon fishes are a bit pricey compared to different seafood in the market.
Salmon fish can be worked with frozen, fresh, canned, and dried variants. Many people like to take Salmon fish, either boiled or steamed. Most seafood in the local zones is usually consumed fresh or as a curry.
Household cooking methods will prefer the curry method to be the favored option in the Indian coastal areas. Adding some spice ingredients to the dishes elevates the taste, so it can be challenging to differentiate between dishes.
The variety of types also affects the price range, and additional types of seafood share the same line. In the local scene, you will easily find Salmon fish dishes: curries grilled, baked, steamed, boiled, poached, stewed, and fried.
Salmon fish is difficult to cook; the preparation for the dish takes a lot of time and a proficient chef behind the table. The type of Salmon fish also matters when it comes to cooking. The art here is to make the Salmon fish less challenging.
It can get complicated for any newcomer to make the Salmon fish cooking process without messing it up; only professional chefs know how to deal with Salmon fish without messing it up.
Most local eateries take at least 90 minutes to cook Salmon fish or more; it takes a lot of work by experts to prepare the fish. You take the canned Salmon fish straight or blend it with garlic, herbs, spices, citrus juices, and some seasonings to heighten the taste. Fresh Salmon fishes are usually more favored and pricey, but frozen, dried, and canned interpretations make the dish more enjoyable.
The local background with salmon fish is roaring with creativity, especially in many fancy restaurants. You may not see salmon-related dishes in fast food joints, as they focus on cheap seafood instead of going after premium ones.
some recipe of Salmon fish in Bengali areas

Salmon fish in Bengali fall to the English variant. There is no native name for you to use in the local market. Most local fancy restaurants will have dishes titled under English names for easier understanding.
Taking salmon fish will offer your body plenty of benefits, but it has a list of side effects; that should be known. The mercury amount here is low, and salmon fish here should be taken cautiously; if your body is facing any health problems, you should always consult a health advisor to get accurate information about your body’s adaptability to the food.
Here are the most asked questions about Salmon fish on the internet.
Does salmon fish taste different from other seafood?
The craftsmanship behind salmon fish dishes is unique and precise. Now when you go to any local restaurant, you will see a wide array of salmon fish dishes with exceptional flavor. In short, salmon fish is delicious; hence their popularity is still alive after all these years. Compared to other seafood, we have the taste mixed with a wide array of nutrients.
Will you find any affordable salmon fish?
Of course, you can find salmon fish in the market. Getting the fish at a more affordable price will diminish the value and taste of the dish. If you see a salmon fish at an affordable price, you should be at least skeptical about the food. Any seafood with an expensive price tag should only be bought with a costly price tag.
Should you buy salmon fish from a local or online market?
You will experience a higher price tag on both sides of the purchase option. But it is better to dig out some information about the local market, shops, and online shops before you hit the green light on purchase. Discounts and areas will have a vast impact on the pricing.
If you don’t want to spend too much money on the fish, you should look toward coupons and discounts to lower the overall cost by 25% to more. Online websites do offer some coupons and discounts to lower the cost.