Cumin is the English name of Jeera. It is a flowering plant that comes under the Apiaceae family and the Cuminum genus. Irano Turanian Region is the native of the cumin plant. Each seed of cumin or Jeera is naturally placed inside a fruit, and that is in dry form.
The dried seeds are used in various dishes of different cultures as powder and whole. Traditionally, cumin is used for medicinal purposes as an effective therapeutic agent.
The plant Cuminum Cyminum, cumin, or Jeera, can be harvested by hand. The plants can grow up to 12 to 20 inches or 30 to 50 cm. This annual herbaceous plant has a glabrous, slender, and branched stem.
There are two to three sub-branches present on each main branch of the Jeera plant. You can see a uniform canopy of the plant because the branches of the plant have the same height.
You can collect almost all kinds of information about cumin and cumin plants from the article below, like – Jeera in english, its cost, health benefits, the nutritional value of Jeera, types, recipes, popularity, availability, and many more.
English name | Cumin |
Botanical name | Cuminum cyminum |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Species | C.cyminum |
Genus | Cuminum |
Family | Apiaceae |
Order | Apiales |
Jeera in English name
Cumin is the English name of jeera the most popular and common name used for Jeera. Except for the people of rural areas, most of the world can recognize the name cumin.
But different words are used for cumin or Jeera according to the local areas. Some different names of Jeera that are used in different countries are –
Country | Most used Name of jeera |
China | Ku Ming |
India | Jeera |
Italy | Cumino |
Spain | Comino |
German | Kreuzkuemmel |
Arab | Kamoun |
France | Cumin |
In India, there are also different names of jeera according to different regions. You can call jeera, jeerakam, jeere, Jeeru in Hindi, Tamil, Marathi, and Gujarati respectively.
Hindi | Jeera |
Tamil | Jeerakam |
Marathi | Jeere |
Gujarati | Jeeru |
Some products of Jeera
Click here to see products of jeera on Amazon
15+ Health benefits of Jeera
The spice cumin seeds come from the Cuminum Cyminum plant. Many dishes of Southwest Asia and Mediterranean regions consist of cumin or jeera seeds because the regions are the natives of cumin. Jeera gives a distinctive flavor to different Indian curries, tamales, and chili. Its flavor is spicy, warm, nutty, and earthy.
Besides traditional therapy, modern studies also confirmed that you could get some health benefits from cumin seeds. Jeera helps to reduce food-borne infections and promotes digestion. It also helps to improve blood sugar, promotes weight loss, and controls cholesterol.
Some health benefits of Jeera are discussed below.
1. Jeera helps to promote digestion
Curing the issue of indigestion is the most common use of jeera or cumin seeds in traditional processes. According to modern research, cumin helps to keep the digestion process normal. Digestive enzymes help to speed up digestion. Intaking jeera seeds may help to increase digestive enzyme activities.
As you know, bile helps certain nutrients and digest fats in your gut. If you intake Jeera regularly, it can increase the bile release from the liver. As per a study, more than 50 patients suffering from IBS ( irritable bowel syndrome ) benefit from taking concentrated Jeera or cumin for two weeks.
2. Jeera is rich in iron
Naturally, jeera or cumin seeds are high in iron content. An adult can get 17.5% of the RDI or 1.4 mg of iron from a single teaspoon of ground cumin.
According to various studies, one of the major nutrient deficiencies is iron deficiency which affects ten persons in 1000 people, and percent wise, it is up to 20% of the world population.
A child needs iron content in their body for regular growth. Young women need iron because they lose blood in the menstruation period, and iron can replace the blood loss. Cumin seeds or Jeera is an iron-dense spice. You can use this natural iron source as a seasoning in small amounts.
3. Jeera is a good source of beneficial plant-based compounds
Cumin or jeera seeds contain many plant compounds like phenols, terpenes, alkaloids, and flavonoids linked with various health benefits. Some of the elements present in jeera act as antioxidants, and they help to control the bad impact of free radical damage and protect your body from its harmful effects.
You can explain free radicals as lonely electrons. Electrons are stable when they are paired. But lonely electrons behave unstably. The nature of free radical or lonely electrons is – they steal other electrons from the pair ( present in your body ). The name of this process is oxidation.
The main reason for heart disease and clogged arteries is the oxidation of fatty acids. Oxidation also becomes the cause of diabetes and inflammation. Cancer can be the cause of the oxidation of DNA.
Antioxidants in cumin seeds can provide electrons to the lonely electron particle and stabilize it.
4. Jeera may be helpful for diabetic patients
Some components in cumin or Jeera seed help treat diabetes. According to a clinical study, supplements of concentrated cumin can detect early diabetes and work as a diabetes indicator. Some elements in cumin or jeera seed help to fight against some long-term diabetes effects.
Diabetes may harm the human body’s cells through AGEs ( advanced glycation end products ). If the blood pressure level is high for a long period, then AGEs are produced rapidly in the bloodstream ( if the person has diabetes). In case proteins attach to sugar, AGEs are created and disturb normal body functions.
AGEs may lead to kidney damage, eyes, small blood vessels, and nerves in diabetes. Some components of cumin can reduce the number of AGEs, according to some test-tube studies. A person with diabetes can control his blood sugar level by adding concentrated jeera supplements to his diet.
5. Jeera contains a good amount of antioxidants
Some natural substances are present in cumin or Jeera that act as antioxidants. These substances are called luteolin and apigenin. Free radicals attack the body’s healthy cells and stop them from being successful.
But those antioxidant substances fight against free radicals. Antioxidants keep you energetic and healthier. They protect your skin from looking aged.
6. Jeera seeds have anti-cancer properties
According to some experiments, cumin seeds can stop the multiplying of cancer cells. Based on a rat study, some rats eat cumin regularly. They were safe from colon cancer. Jeera and basil are the spices that are the most powerful anticarcinogen plants among nine popular spics and herbs, according to a statement of some researchers.
7. Jeera is used for diarrhea treatment
Cumin seeds or Jeera has been recommended by traditional medicine practitioners for diarrhea treatment for years. Nowadays, medical science also agrees with the health benefits of cumin seeds and has begun to catch on to this fact.
As an experiment, cumin seeds extract was given to some rats suffering from diarrhea. And as a result, they were cured of diarrhea, and the symptoms of diarrhea were gone totally.
8. Jeera helps to fight against parasites and bacteria
The extracted oil of cumin seeds is used as a beneficial antiseptic and larvicide agent. Jeera oil can also kill bacterial strains, which may have the capability of other antiseptic resistance. Some harmful bacteria may attack the immune system of the body.
According to researchers, jeera seeds help to kill those harmful bacteria. Thus, cumin is utilized as a preservative.
9. Jeera contains an anti-inflammatory effect
Cumin seeds have some active ingredients, and those have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. You should add cumin or Jeera to your regular diet to counter the bad impact of inflammation and pain that may trigger your other health conditions.
According to a laboratory study on rats, not only the essential oil of cumin but alo cumin or jeera seeds help to decrease inflammation and pain because they both have anti-inflammatory properties.
10. Jeera may help reduce cholesterol levels
High fat levels can have a bad effect or hurt your cholesterol level and heart. Cumin or jeera seeds have hypolipidemic properties. The substance hypolipidemic can help to control the high cholesterol level and fat.
You can make a cumin dietary supplement by mixing cumin powder in yogurt. According to a study, this supplement helps to reduce the cholesterol level. According to a survey based on group of people suffering from high cholesterol, regular consumption of cumin can benefit them.
11. Jeera seeds play an important role in weight loss
According to various group studies, cumin or Jeera is helpful for weight loss. The conclusions of the studies are promising, but there is a need for more studies. Including a healthy diet, if you intake cumin powder regularly, it provides a good result towards weight loss and improves vital statistics.
According to a survey of both men and women, it is proved that consuming a jeera diet or jeera water every day can provide the same benefits as a diet pill.
12. Jeera helps to improve IBS ( irritable bowel syndrome ) symptoms
According to so many researchers, Jeera or cumin extract can be used to treat digestive spasms, cramps, bloating related to irritable bowel syndrome, and nausea. According to reputable researchers, cumin or Jeera can become a good replacement for medicines.
It is a good statement for those people who are not able to buy expensive drugs prescribed by doctors to treat some serious health issues.
13. Jeera helps to treat insomnia
The cumin essential oil has a tranquilizing effect, and it is hypnotic in nature. It helps to ease anxiety and stress, which are the main causes of insomnia. Melatonin is a hormone that can regulate the sleeping process, and Jeera has this hormone in it.
Jeera consists of a significant amount of magnesium and iron. These two elements are essential to induce sleep in time and regulate brain activities.
14. Jeera helps to bring relief from cold and asthma
Cumin seeds have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. All three facts make Jeera or cumin a great remedy for colds and asthma. Jeera works like an expectorant and helps to eliminate mucus and phlegm easily by loosening them.
This process makes the respiratory tract more free. The essential oil of cumin works as a disinfectant and helps to boost immunity and fight against infections.
15. Jeera helps to treat acne and soothe the skin
You can get instant relief from stings and allergies with the help of the anti-inflammatory properties of cumin or jeera seeds. You may suffer from inflammation because of allergies. Jeera can control inflammation issues and soothe your skin.
As you know, Jeera has anti-bacterial properties and can cure acne by killing the bacteria on your skin. You can also wash your face using Jeera water to eliminate various skin infections.
16. Jeera helps in lactation and regulates periods
An irregular period cycle can be the most stressful period for a woman. Every woman faces this problem in different stages of their life. Jeera water helps to contract the uterus and release trapped blood. This process helps to regulate the period cycle of a woman.
Cumin water benefits lactating and pregnant women because it contains high amounts of iron. Iron helps to produce milk in mammary glands. In this way, the baby can get all the needed nutrients through its mother’s milk.
Some photo of jeera
Type of Jeera or Cumin
You can find mostly four types of Jeera worldwide. Cumin Cyminum, Shahi jeera or Bitter cumin, black cumin, and brown cumin.
1. Cumin Cyminum
It is the most common variety of cumin that is used in every kitchen. The seeds of cumin Cyminum are yellowish-brown. The seeds have ridged covers, and their shape is oblong. You may confuse these standard cumin seeds with other Parsley family members and caraway seeds.
Cumin Cyminum is available in both powder and seed form. It has a slightly sweet flavor and warms nature with a nutty hint. You only have to roast and crush the cumin Cyminum seeds and sprinkle the powder on your raita and salads to get an earthy and lovely flavor.
You can add it to your soup and stews to get depth. This variety of cumin seeds is full of nutrients and popular as a digestion-improving agent.
2. Shahi jeera or Bitter cumin
In Indian culture, Shahi jeera is a popular traditional Spice with a bitter taste, as its name suggests. This cumin variety is also associated with Kashmiri gastronomy and Mughal cuisines. Bunium persicum or Cuminum Nigrum are the scientific names of Bitter cumin.
Bitter cumin seeds have an oblong shape, and their color is dark green to pale green. This highly flavorful spice offers many health benefits and provides a royal touch to any simple dish. The seeds effectively treat various health issues like bloating, digestive issues, and coughing.
3. Black cumin
This cumin variety is also known as Kalaunji or Nigella Sativa. The look of black cumin seeds is not the same as other varieties of cumin seeds. Its color is like dark charcoal. As compared to other cumin varieties, black cumin is thinner and smaller.
Its taste is like onion, and its flavor is like black pepper and oregano. Its taste is a combination of a tinge of bitterness with a sweet and lemony flavor. You can sometimes replace black cumin seeds with fennel seeds.
You can ignite the recipe’s taste by adding a spoon of black cumin seeds, either stir-fried veggies or non-ver roast. Black cumin provides a delicious taste to your dish and many health benefits.
4. Brown cumin
You can relate brown cumin with black cumin. Compared to black cumin seeds, the seeds of the brown cumin variety are fatter and bigger. Brown cumin seeds are used in Mexican cuisines, North African food, and Indian recipes.
The seeds have peppery, earthy, and warm flavors. The powder form of brown cumin seeds can be used to intensify the flavor and taste of legumes, root vegetables, grains, etc.
Nutritional value of Jeera
The nutritional value you can get from 100 grams of Jeera is –
Nutrition | Quantity |
Energy | 375 kcal |
Protein | 17.81 grams |
Water | 8.06 grams |
Fat | 22.27 grams |
Polyunsaturated fat | 3.279 grams |
Monounsaturated fat | 14.04 grams |
Saturated fat | 1.535 grams |
Carbohydrates | 44.24 grams |
Dietary fibers | 10.5 grams |
Sugars | 2.25 grams |
Minerals | Quantity | % of the daily value |
Zinc | 4.8 mg | 51% |
Sodium | 168 mg | 11% |
Potassium | 1788 mg | 38% |
Phosphorus | 499 mg | 71% |
Manganese | 3.333 mg | 159% |
Magnesium | 931 mg | 262% |
Iron | 66.36 mg | 510% |
Calcium | 931 mg | 93% |
Vitamins | Quantity | % of the daily value |
Vitamin A equivalent | 64 micro gram | 8% |
Beta – Carotene | 762 microgram | 7% |
Vitamin A | 1270 International Units | – |
Vitamin B1 ( thiamine ) | 0.628 mg | 55% |
Vitamin B2 ( riboflavin ) | 0.327 mg | 27% |
Vitamin B3 ( niacin ) | 4.579 mg | 31% |
Vitamin B6 | 0.435 mg | 33% |
Vitamin B9 ( folate ) | 10 micrograms | 3% |
Vitamin B12 | 0 mg | – |
Vitamin C | 7.7 mg | 9% |
Vitamin E | 3.33 mg | 22% |
Vitamin K | 5.4 microgram | 5% |
Choline | 24.7 mg | 5% |
According to USDA, one tablespoon whole cumin seed provides –
Calories | 22 kcal |
Protein | 1.1 grams |
Fat | 1.3 grams |
Fiber | 0.6 grams |
Sodium | 10.1 mg |
Sugars | 0.1 grams |
Carbohydrates | 2.7 grams |
According to the data of USDA, the number of calories you can get from jeera seed is provided by carbohydrates ( 2.7 grams ) present in it. Primarily, you can get it in fiber form.
On average, you can get 1.1 grams of protein from a single serving or one tablespoon of cumin seed.
You can get a small quantity of fat from a single serving or one tablespoon of cumin seed, which is about 1.3 grams (of fat ).
If you intake a tablespoon of cumin seed regularly, it can add a few calories or small amounts of energy to your diet. 6 grams or one tablespoon of cumin seed can provide you with approximately 22 calories.
You can’t get any calories from a serving of ground jeera or cumin. If you add the cumin seed to any recipes to add spice, it doesn’t provide any carbohydrates, fat, calories, or protein to your diet. You must intake it in its whole form without adding any dishes to get the benefits.
Minerals and vitamins
You can get some vitamins from a tablespoon of cumin seeds. You can get riboflavin, vitamin A ( 2% of the DV ), vitamin B6 ( 1% of the DV ), vitamin C ( 1% of the DV ), and niacin.
You will also get choline, calcium, potassium, small amounts of manganese, copper, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, and iron from cumin seeds.
Uses of Jeera
You can add jeera or cumin seeds as an important ingredient in chutneys, chili, mixed spices, and curry powders. Jeera is a popular spice in Latin American, North African, and Asian cuisines. Cumins are seedlike fruits that you can use as a ground or whole spice.
The distinctive aroma of cumin is strong and heavy. Their taste recollects the taste of caraway, and it is warm.
Cumin or jeera seeds were used as home medicines in the past. They have importance widely as traditional medicine. The oil extracted from Jeera was used as a flavoring agent in some specific liquors and for veterinary and medicinal use.
Cost of Jeera
The cost of Jeera depends upon its type, form ( whether it is whole jeera or powder jeera ), packaging, quality, brand, and place of buying, whether it is an online store, shopping mall, or local shop.
The cost is also different from place to place. You can also prefer online stores to buy Jeera in bulk to get the maximum discount.
In India, the cost of 1kg good quality jeera is approximately Rs 350 to Rs 500. The price may also vary ( increase or decrease ) according to the brand and place to place. In America, you can buy 1 kg jeera by spending around Rs 200 to Rs 400 approximately.
According to the world market, the average cost of Jeera is around Rs 37849 per quintal, and the highest market price is around Rs 55000 per quintal.
Availability and popularity of Jeera worldwide
According to various studies, the largest jeera producer country is India worldwide. India produces 70% of Jeera of the total produced amount. Syria, Turkey, UAE, and Iran are the major Jeera producer countries after India, with 13%, 5%, and 3% of produced Jeera.
According to a survey, in the 2020-21 fiscal year, the quantity of Jeera that India produced was 856,000 tons. India takes 1st place in exporting cumin seeds to the whole world.
But Iran, Turkey, and Syria are the strong competitors of India. Among the total exported Jeera, the quantity of Jeera exported by India is 12 to 15%. So there is no deficiency of Jeera you can see in India.
Without Jeera, most Asian cuisine feels like something is missing. Jeera’s taste, aroma, and health benefits make it popular worldwide. In India, the popularity and use of Jeera is at its high. Every household in India contains Jeera and uses it frequently.
Recipes of Jeera
Jeera is mostly used in dishes in its powder form or the whole form as a Tadka with oil, mustard seeds, chili, and hing. But some dishes in which Jeera plays an important role are – jeera rice, jeera aloo, Hariyali jeera chicken, jeera rasam, jeera paratha, jeera papad, jeera biscuits, jeera masala soda, jeera poli, etc.
Final verdict
First, it is important to discuss the main topic. That is what Jeera is called in English. And the English name of Jeera is cumin. All spices have their essence and flavor that can make every recipe different. Cumin or Jeera is one of the most used and popular spices that are also easily available worldwide.
This flowering plant is very common in every kitchen. Its unique flavor and aroma provide amazing taste to various recipes. You can use the whole seed or its powder form. You can give a twist of Jeera according to your requirement. Besides its taste and aroma, it provides many health benefits to hair, skin, heart, blood, bone, stomach, etc.
Hope you will get all your doubts clear about Jeera seeds, including – Jeera in english, its cost, health benefits of Jeera, nutritional value, types, recipes, popularity, availability, and many more.
Frequently asked questions
1. What are the health benefits of Jeera?
1. Jeera helps to promote digestion
2. Jeera is rich in iron
3. Jeera is a good source of beneficial plant-based compounds
4. Jeera may be helpful for diabetic patient
5. Jeera contains a good amount of antioxidants
6. Jeera seeds have anti-cancer properties
7. Jeera is used for diarrhea treatment
8. Jeera helps to fight against parasites and bacteria
9. Jeera may help to reduce cholesterol level
10. Jeera seeds play an important role in weight loss
11. Jeera helps to improve IBS ( irritable bowel syndrome ) symptoms
12. Jeera helps to bring relief from colds and asthma, and insomnia
13. Jeera helps to treat acne and soothe the skin
14. Jeera helps in lactation and regulates periods
2. How are jeera seeds helpful for diabetic patients?
Some components in cumin or Jeera seed provide help to treat diabetes. According to a clinical study, supplements of concentrated cumin can detect early diabetes and work as a diabetes indicator. Some elements in cumin or jeera seed help to fight against some long-term diabetes effects.
Diabetes may harm the human body’s cells through AGEs ( advanced glycation end products ). If the blood pressure level is high for a long period, then AGEs are produced rapidly in the bloodstream ( if the person has diabetes). In case proteins attach to sugar, AGEs are created and disturb normal body functions.
AGEs may lead to kidney damage, eyes, small blood vessels, and nerves in diabetes. Some components of cumin can reduce the number of AGEs, according to some test-tube studies. A person with diabetes can control his blood sugar level by adding concentrated jeera supplements to his diet.
3. Are there any side effects of Jeera?
Intake of any food in high quantities may have a bad impact on the body. People suffering from bleeding disorders or diabetes should keep an eye on their quantity of jeera intake.
If the patients, as mentioned earlier, eat too much Jeera or Jeera water, it may be the cause of low blood sugar levels and affect the clotting mechanism. If you want to use Jeera as a medicinal ingredient, consult your doctor or dietician for the perfect use and the right quantity.
4. How does Jeera help to reduce cholesterol levels?
High fat levels can have a bad effect or hurt your cholesterol level and heart. Cumin or jeera seeds have hypolipidemic properties. The substance hypolipidemic can help to control the high cholesterol level and fat.
You can make a cumin dietary supplement by mixing cumin powder in yogurt. According to a study, this supplement helps to reduce the cholesterol level. According to a group survey of people suffering from high cholesterol, regular intake of cumin can benefit them.
5. Write some recipes in which jeera is used ?
Jeera is mostly used in dishes in its powder form or the whole form as a Tadka with oil, mustard seeds, chili, and hing. But some dishes in which Jeera plays an important role are – jeera rice, jeera aloo, Hariyali jeera chicken, jeera rasam, jeera paratha, jeera papad, jeera biscuits, jeera masala soda, jeera poli, etc.
Thank you for sharing this informative one. ..