Blueberry is a fruit which comes under the class Cyanococcus and genus Vaccinium. It is a perennial group of a plant known as flowering plants with purple or blueberries. Madeira bluberris, bilberries, cranberries, and huckleberries also come under Vaccinium. Cultivated ( highbush ) and wild ( lowbush ) blueberries are parts of commercial blueberries that are North American natives. You can eat sour and sweet blueberries as a beverage or snack.
Lowbush blueberries are pea-size and small berries which grow on low-level bushes. But the cultivated or highbush blueberries are large and grow or are cultivated on a taller level. Canada produces the highest quantity of lowbush blueberry. The United States supplies 40% of highbush blueberries to the world.

In the below article, there are all kinds of information about blueberry that you should know. Like – blueberry in Tamil, its nutritional value, cost, availability, health benefits of blueberry, and many more.
English name | Blueberry |
Tamil name | Puluperri |
Scientific name | Vaccinium sect. Cyanococcus |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Genus | Vaccinium |
Family | Ericaceae |
Class | Cyanococcus |
Order | Ericales |
Blueberry in Tamil name
Puluperri is the Tamil name of blueberry. Tropical countries like India don’t support cold-weathered crops like blueberry. But in some places like North hill regions and Himachal Pradesh, blueberries can grow well. But it is a popular fruit in India, including South India and Tamil-telling areas like – Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, etc., because of its nutritional value and low calories.
Local Tamil people also recognize the name blueberry. But if you are in a typical Tamil area, ask them for Puluperri.
Some Products of Blueberry
Click here to Check Some products of blueberry on amazon.
Types of blueberry
You can categorize blueberries into three groups highbush, mid-bush, and lowbush. These terms indicate the height of the blueberry plant. There are such wide varieties of blueberries present worldwide according to different zones.
1. Highbush
Vaccinium Corymbosum is its scientific name. Highbush blueberries are bushy and can grow around six feet in height. You can consider it as a tree or shrub, or plant. Its growing zone is four to seven.
2. Top Hat
you can grow this variety of blueberries in a small place. You can especially grow this plant in a container, and the University of Michigan’s agriculturists create it.
3. Pink Lemonade
all most US climates are suitable for growing pink blueberries. Pink lemonade blueberry can withstand heat and hearty nature. These two characteristics borrow from the genetics of rabbiteye blueberry, a Deep South variety.
4. Pink Champagne
this variety of blueberries is extra sweet and has a huge amount of antioxidants.
5. Lowbush blueberry
its scientific name is Vaccinium Angustifolium. This small bush blueberry can grow in many zones of hardiness. Lowbush blueberry grows well in cold weather.
6. Half-high blueberry
It is a hybrid blueberry variety that is the best quality combination of highbush and lowbush blueberry. Its height can grow like a bush or shrub.
7. Northcountry
Minnesota University created this blueberry variety. It can grow up to 17 to 25 inches in height. The berries of this variety are aromatic and have a mild flavour.
8. North-blue
the average height of this famous variety of blueberries is between 22 to 30 inches. Its size is similar to nickel. It is dark – blue.
9. Northland blueberry
It is considered a half-high blueberry variety because it can grow up to 3 to 4 feet. This Michigan blueberry has bad taste.
10. Rabbiteye blueberry
Vaccinium Virgatum is its scientific name. Southeastern US has the perfect weather for it. This pest-tolerant blueberry variant produces many fruits and adapts very well. It pollinates because you have to plant rabbiteye with 2 to 3 or more varieties. 7 to 9 is its growing zone. It includes – Woodard, Powderblue, and Brightwell blueberry.
11. Southern Highbush
its height is similar to a human. This hybrid variant combines the virtues of Vaccinium Darrowii, Vaccinium corymbosum, and Vaccinium Virgatum. In the zone between 7 to 9, it grows well. It includes- Springhigh, Windsor, and Emerald.
12. Earliblue blueberry
in zone o 8, it grows well. It is a large variety of very early-blooming blueberries. It is a spreading and upright variety. It produces dessert-quality, aromatic, and firm blueberries.
13. Bluetta
It is also a large variety of blueberry, which blooms early, like Earliblue. In zone 5, it grows well. It is a spreading variety which produces fair-quality and soft blueberries.
14. Ivanhoe
the size of the Ivanhoe is medium, and in zone 7, it grows well. It is an upright and early-blooming blueberry variety. It produces aromatic, excellent, and high dessert-quality blueberries.
15. Patriot
in zone 8, it grows well. This large blueberry variety is upright and produces firm, good-quality, and aromatic berries. Its bush is small, and it blooms early.
16. Stanley blueberry
in zone 7, this medium-sized blueberry variety grows well. This upright and early blooming variety produce high dessert quality, firm, aromatic, and good quality blueberries.
17. Blueray blueberry
this variety blooms in the late early season. In zone 8, it grows well. This spreading and large blueberry variety produces aromatic, high-dessert quality, and very well blueberries.
18. Duke blueberry
in zone 8, this large blueberry variety grows well. It blooms late early season, and it is an upright blueberry variety. It produces high-yield and firm blueberries on a bush.
19. Collins blueberry
it is also a large blueberry variety and blooms early. In zone 8, it grows well. It is a spreading and upright variety which produces aromatic, good dessert quality, and firm blueberries.
20. Bluecrop
it blooms in mid-season. In zone 9, this large variety of blueberries grows well. Bluecrop blueberry is an upright variety which produces slightly aromatic, good quality, and firm berries. It is one of the famous blueberries.
21. Berkeley blueberry
this is a large variety of mid-season blueberry. In zone 8, it grows well. This spreading and upright blueberry variety produces firm and mild berries. You can store it well.
22. Concord blueberry
it is a small variety of blueberry that grows in mid-season and zone 6. It is a spreading and upright variety which produces good quality dessert, soft, and little aromatic blueberries.
23. Pioneer blueberry
in zone 6, this medium variety of blueberries grows well. This spreading and mid-season variety of blueberries produces very good, aromatic, high-quality, and firm blueberries.
24. Atlantic blueberry
it is a large variety of mid-season blueberry, which generally grows in zone 7. It is a wide-spreading blueberry variety which produces medium dessert quality, little aromatic, and firm berries.
25. Herbert blueberry
it is a very large blueberry variety that grows in mid-season and zone seven. It produces aromatic, very high dessert quality and soft blueberries. This wide-spreading variety offers you an amazing quantity and quality blueberry crop.
26. Elliott
this medium blueberry variety blooms very late and grows in the 8th zone. It is a reddish wood and upright variety which produces mild flavour, firm, aromatic, and good dessert quality blueberries.
27. Jersey blueberry
in zone six, this medium blueberry variety blooms very lately. It produces blueberries with a classic taste, and its crops are good. You can store this upright variety very well.
28. Bluegold blueberry
in zone eight, this late-blooming blueberry variety grows well. This medium-sized, spreading, and upright variety produces an amazing medium-firmness blueberry crop.
Nutritional value of blueberry
Blueberry provides a sufficient amount of healthy fibre but is low in fat and calories. A serving of 100 grams of blueberry provides –
Nutrients | Amount |
Fat | 0.3 grams |
Sugar | 10 grams |
Fiber | 2.4 grams |
Carbs | 14.5 grams |
Calories | 57 |
Protein | 0.7 grams |
Water | 84% |
a good amount of dietary fibre protects against different disease. Fiber plays a very important role in a healthy diet chart. You can get 3.6 grams of fibre from a cup of blueberry which is about 148 grams. You can also get 16% of carbs from the fibre of blueberry.
blueberry contains little fat, a small quantity of protein, 84% water, and 14% carbs. Mostly simple sugars like fructose and glucose produce a heavy amount of carbs. But there is some fibre content that is also present in blueberries.
53 is blueberry’s glycemic index. GI, or glycemic index, measures the rising blood sugar level due to certain foods. This berry doesn’t spike blood sugar levels if GI is low.
Minerals and vitamins
blueberry is an amazing source of some minerals and vitamins.
Manganese – for carbohydrate, amino acid, lipid, and protein metabolism, manganese is essential.
VitaminC – works as an antioxidant. Ascorbic acid is the other name of vitamin C. It is necessary for immune functions and healthy skin.
Vitamin k1 – phylloquinone is its popular name. It is beneficial to keep bones healthy and helpful in blood clotting.
Plant compounds
important plant compounds and antioxidants are the main contents of blueberry. It includes –
Anthocyanins -blueberry contains this important antioxidant compound. Flavonoid is a large family of polyphenols, and blueberries belong to them. It contains so many health benefits.
Blueberry contains more than 15 kinds of anthocyanins with two predominant compounds, which are delphinidin and malvidin. The most nutritional part of the berry is its outer layer which contains concentrated anthocyanins.
Myricetin – provides so many health benefits. It helps to cure diabetes and cancer. It is a flavonol.
Quercetin – sufficient consumption of this flavonol can help decrease heart diseases and lower blood pressure.
Health benefits of blueberry
There are so many health benefits of blueberry you should know. Some of those are –
1. Keep the heart healthy
nowadays, the main cause of death is related to heart disease worldwide. Foods rich in flavonoid, including blueberry, is helpful to bring improvement in heart health.
Eating blueberries is also helpful in case of major heart disease risks and high blood pressure. The oxidation of bad cholesterol (LDL), a serious process for heart patients, can be prevented by consuming blueberry regularly.
2. Keep the brain healthy
you can observe many diseases related to old age, mainly mental health. You can keep your brain healthy by eating blueberry, a flavonoid-rich fruit. It is also helpful to reduce oxidative stress. Its role in the ageing process is very important.
You can also drink blueberry juice regularly to improve memory power.
3. Control the blood sugar level
worldwide, type-2 diabetes is very common. The rate of type-2 diabetic patients is increasing nowadays. Diabetic patients have to avoid carbs, and quick changes in the level of blood sugar are not good for them.
Although you will get 15 grams of sugar from a serving of blueberry (148 grams), it doesn’t have a noticeable effect on blood sugar because it has high bioactive compounds.
Cost of Blueberry in Tamil areas
Rs 500 to Rs 1200 per kg is the average price of blueberry in India. The cost may vary according to the brand, form, type, application, and area. The cost is high because India produces a very low quantity of blueberry, but the demand is high. You can get blueberry with different types of packaging like – plastic packets, paper boxes, and wooden boxes.
If you cannot buy fresh blueberries, you should go supermarket shopping. From there, you can get frozen berries. They are not looking that good like fresh ones but are less expensive and contain nutrients.
Popularity and availability of Blueberry in Tamil areas
India comes under the tropical region where the growth of blueberry is challenging. It needs cold weather. But you can get it indoors and in controlled weather conditions. With good practices of cultivation, you can grow it in India. There is limited availability of blueberries you can see in south India. But people worldwide, including India, love to eat blueberries because of their delicious taste and so many health benefits.
Famous Recipes of Blueberry in Tamil areas
You can eat blueberry in the form of fruit, drinks, dessert, or spreads. Some famous recipes are – cheesy blueberry halwa, blueberry masala soda, blueberry jam, blueberry smoothie, blueberry Phirni, blueberry oats semolina ladoo, used in healthy fruit palate, blueberry kulfi, and many more.
Some photos of blueberry

Blueberry is a delicious, popular fruit and provides many health benefits. It is a great source of vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds. So many diseases can prevent by regularly consuming blueberries. This commercial fruit is grown across Europe and America.
Its low calorie and high fibre content make it more edible. It keeps the heart and brain healthy and maintains blood sugar levels.
Hope you got all the information about blueberries from the above article, like – blueberry in Tamil, cost, health benefits, the nutritional value of blueberry, its popularity, types, and many more.
Frequently asked questions
What are the health benefits of blueberry?
There are so many health benefits to eating a blueberry. Some of them are –
1. It maintains the health of bones.
2. It helps to keep the skin healthy.
3. It controls high blood pressure.
4. Healful for diabetic patients.
5. It Protects the heart from so many diseases.
6. It helps to prevent cancer.
7. It keeps the mental state healthy and boosts memory power.
8. It helps in weight loss and digestion and keeps you feeling full.
Does blueberry contain sugar?
Yes, as compared to other fruits, blueberry contains a moderate quantity of sugar. You can get 15 grams of sugar from 148 grams of blueberry. The amount of sugar is similar to a large orange or a small apple. The negative effects of the sugar content of blueberry are reduced with the help of bioactive compounds present in blueberry.
What is the taste of blueberry?
Generally, the flavour of blueberry is subtle. It is woody, sweet, musky, and fruity. The fruit blueberry gives you a mixed taste of sour and sweet. It is also aromatic.
What is the region of the expensiveness of blueberry?
The growth of blueberries needs specific conditions and time. The less availability, its taste, and health benefits make it popular. And its popularity makes it expensive.