In the below article, there are all kinds of information about Lily Flower that you should know. Like – Lily Flower in Hindi Name, cuisine, Proper way to plant, pearance of Lily flower and many more.
Decorating the house with bright flowers is the idea that floats in the mind of anybody who owns a place. Honest insight into any place makes it look better and appealing to many people.

Especially if you want to be in an environment closer to the natural side of the world, here we go through lily flowers and how you can use them for your event. There is a lot of information about lily flowers that most people may need to learn about. We will learn about lily flowers in Hindi.
Lily flower in hindi name
Here are the other specific details about the little flowers to give you an idea about their order, family, subfamily, tribe, genus, and more information about them. The list will also feature lily flowers in Hindi and English language.
English Name | Lily Flower |
Hindi Name | lilee ke phool |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Clade | Tracheophytes |
Clade | Angiosperms |
Clade | Monocots |
Order | Lilales |
Family | Liliaceae |
Sub Family | Lilioideae |
Tribe | Lilieae |
Genus | Lilium |
Lily flower in Hindi
Lily flowers in Hindi are called lily ke phool. Many local markets are familiar with the term lily flower; you don’t have to bring the native name to get the flowers from the shop. Most markers also sell them as lily flowers. The Hindi name of the lily flower is similar to its English or world counterpart.
Many flower markets are filled with various lily flower types. So you need to pick the phone you need, some of which are used for ceremonial purposes, festivities, cuisine, sacred rituals, and more. It can get confusing if you want a specific one for a particular purpose. It would be best if you did some research on the festivity and the lily flower that is significant to that ceremony.
Not all of them get treated the same; some are used for sacred rites and rituals, where every flower plays a major role in the traditions. Here you need to pick the right lily species to continue the rituals without any problem. On the other side, you have a cuisine; some lily bulbs are perfect for healthy cuisine, but not all of them. If you pick the wrong one, you will have trouble dealing with bad cuisine taste, as it will make everything overly bitter.
Lily flower for the indoor environment
Depending on the type of lilies you get, they can bloom from early summer to fall. Many flower enthusiasts say lilies can bring light to the garden with their graceful elegance and fragrance. You can stick to lilies if you want a solid structure to the garden by making it colorful as you want the entire environment. You can mix them up with the mid-season and late varieties in the garden.
The magnificent bloom of the flowers will start from spring to the cold of the first winter frost. But you have plenty of options with lilies on how you want them in your home environment. These flowers do extremely well in naturalistic settings and formal climates; they can be an excellent add-on to the home environment. Lilies can also move to containers, also known for cutting flowers.
The different species of lilies are available for various purposes. Later in the article, we will discuss the purposes of the little flowers and how they differentiate from each other.
The appearance of Lily flower
Lilies have six trumpet-shaped plain marked petals. What steals the show here are the colors. The range of colors makes them appealing to many who are into flowers. The colors range from pink, gold, red, orange, and white. Some popular variants of lily species include orientals, Asiatics, and orientals. We will delve into each of the popular lilies in detail to give you a gist of their popularity.
Asiatic lilies, easter lilies, oriental lilies, trumpet lilies. Each one has its fragrance and structure that makes them appealing. Some of them are the shortest, making them look good in a household environment where you don’t have to cover up too much space. If you like to have a subtly, stick to the small ones. Or you can switch to oriental lilies as they can reach 4 feet tall, but they take a lot of time to reach them.
Hybrid lilies
Hybrids exist in the lily world; lilies like tiger lilies and Turk’s cap lilies are hybrids. You will find hybrids such as an Orienpet, a mix of oriental and trumpet, or La lilies from easter and Asiatic lilies. Hybrids exist, combining the best of both worlds in one bowl. If you want to try something new to make your garden or internal environment brighter, you can opt-out to the hybrids.
While the common lilies do an excellent job of creating a colorful environment for gardens, hybrids open up many options to people who want more lilies but in different colors. There are wonderful gardens online that will showcase all the hybrid lilies.
Lily types and cost
Here is the list of lily types available in the market and their cost.
1. Oriental Lily –
- Pink and white color
- Can be used for decoration purposes in any household.
The cost here will be around 50 rupees per piece.
2. White calla lily flower
- Fairy simple
- There are other 6 colors available
It will cost around 60 rupees per piece.
3. Asiatic Lily –
- Very commonly used lilly flowers
- High in demand, so make sure to keep track of the online website or know about the local market.
- Expensive
The cost here will be around 400 rupees per piece.
4. Thai rain lily
- Comes in a lot of colors
- Affordable
The cost of Thai rain lilies will be around 15 rupees.
5. White Oriental Lily flowers
- Comes in white color
- Perfect for anniversary and birthday decoration
- Last per week
- Expensive
1200 rupees per piece.
6. White lily flower
- White color
- Affordable
The cost here will be 3 rupees per piece.
7. Amazon lily bulbs
- Color white
- Perfect gifting purpose
It will cost you around 15 rupees to get them.
8. Pink stargazer lily flower
- Comes in color pink
- Perfect for gifting purposes
- Lasts for one to three week
The cost will be at 10 to 15 rupees per piece.
9. Tiger lily flower
- Expensive
- Lasts for 3 days
- Perfect decoration
550 rupees per piece.
10. Pink oriental lily flower
- Expensive
- Pink and white crimson color
- Expensive
The cost will be around 600 rupees.
11. Calla lily yellow flowers
- Yellow color available
- For gifting and decorative purposes
The cost here will be set to 150 to 180 rupees.
There are tons of other varieties of lily flowers available in the market. You can hit the local market to get them quicker but if you want to save some money on the purchase, then you can always hop online. Some discounts and coupons will drastically reduce the overall cost of any bulk order. Since most of the lily flowers are in the expensive zone, online is a much better method, but you have to put some time on the local market to see any differences between the cost.
Proper way to plant Lily flowers
- Loosen the soil for about 12 to 15 inches. Make sure to plant the bulb deep, as it will encourage the development stem to send roots to stabilize the plant. This will also take care of the staking.
- Deep planting the bulbs will keep them cool; if the temperature rises, the lily bulbs will stay at the same temperature.
- After you plant the lilies, you can fill the hole with soil and gently tap. Setting the bulbs 8 to 18 inches apart will make them grow. If you plant them in a group, you will make them appear appealing.
- Think about planting 3 to 5 bulbs, and water them thoroughly when planting.
- When harvesting them, cut off more than a third of the stem; taking more will cut the plant’s vigor and longevity. Plants rely on their foliage to create energy. If you have good lily arrangements, it will last for more than two weeks.
Lily flower diseases
Problems like gray mold will occur if the lily bulbs don’t have air circulation. If they are planted in a crowded environment, then the disease rate will be higher.
It will attract wild animals such as deer, rabbits, voles, groundhogs, slugs, and snails. You need to build a wire cage if you have any problem with wildlife in your garden. Putting them in wire cages will help them from getting eaten by wild animals.
The symbolism behind Lily Flowers
The traditional value of the flowers adds a lot of in-depth meaning. Many flowers all over the world offer more than colors to different traditions. The traditions that still follow to this day, some of them are considered as cared for as thor rituals. Lily flowers have a history; this section will focus on how much value these flowers add to modern and old traditions.
Flowers always have an aesthetic appeal; normally, people who get flowers want to decorate a garden or a place. But there are various meanings behind flowers in the world. Ily flowers are no different, lilies in the victorian language represent love, ardor, and affection for the people you love, and the white-orange lilies are meant for happiness, love, warmth,
Lilies also get used at funerals, they add innocence to the deceased ones when they rest deeply. Taiwanese lilies, also known as the flower of the broken bowl, are deemed sacred flowers that should not be harmed or damaged.
In the medieval era, lily flowers were associated with virgin mary. If you look at the paintings from the medieval or renaissance era, the virgin mary was always seen with lily flowers. On the other hand, Madonna lilies are always seen with Christ’s reservation.
Lily flowers in Hindi play a bigger role in festive seasons and other sacred rituals in the culture. So it is pretty common to find these flowers in the Indian market as it plays a significant role in our daily lives.
Lily flowers in Cuisine
Not all the lilies are treated as sacred flowers for the special festivities. Some of the parts can be used for cooking purposes. Lily bulbs are editable as any root vegetable. But that is not the case for all the lily types; some of the bulbs are going to taste bitter to eat.
Lily flowers in Chinese cuisine
In some parts of the world, lilies are consumed next to other dishes. In China, edible lilies are favorable as the bulbs here are large and don’t contain any bitter taste.
Lily flowers in japanese cuisine
In Japanese culture, lily bulbs are used in common Japanese cuisine. It is one of the favorite ingredients in Chawan Mushi. Most of the time the lily bulbs get treated as an optional ingredient for the soup.
Overall some of the lily bulbs are edible and can be added to most commonly consumed dishes. But the bulb needs to belong to a specific type of lily; most others will have a bitter taste with them.
Some lily flower photos

Lily flowers in Hindi are called Lily ka phool, but the name is as common as its english translation. So you don’t have to stick to the native name to get the flower if you are in the northern part of the country.
Lily flowers are still one of the popular types of flowers with various usages. You Can get them online or get them from the local store. When you jump online, the prices might differ. If you add coupons and various discount sale dates, the price you pay for the lily flowers will be extremely low.
Have they ever been used for medical purposes?
Yes, Chinese medicine parasites have used lily bulbs for medical use. Some countries have taken it to another level by officially listing lily bulbs for medicinal use. But only some of the Lilly specifics can be used for medicinal purposes. Lily types such as Lilium lancifolium or Lilium brownii var, Viriduinun baker can be used for medical purposes.
What should you know about planting lilies?
The temperature for the flowers needs to be set to the right conditions for them to grow without any problem. Lilies need a lot of sun. The amount they need will vary depending on the bloom. Normally lilies will need around 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight per day to reach their full potential. What if the lilies get less sunlight? If that is the case, the stems will start moving to the area where the sun is accessible.
The choice of the site does matter; you will also need to care for the soil; the soil needs to drain well. If you are new to planting, you will make plenty of mistakes here. The better way to see the situation is by examining the soil quality. Here it would be best if you focused on finding a well-drained site. Find a spot where the water dries fast; that location will be perfect for the lilies to grow. stabilize
If the water gets trapped beneath the soil, the bulbs on the lily will start to rot. Lilies are perfect for well-drained sites. If the soil in your land is well dried up, you can add leaf mold, compost, and well-rotted manure for good drainage.
Are there fake lilies?
Again the word lilies get thrown around a lot, but most flowers that have lilies on their name are not true lilies. True lilies are grown from onion-like bulbs, now some flowers have the same appearance as lilies, but they are not true lilies. Daylilies are one of the most common varieties of lilies, and when you are looking at fake lilies, they will have leaves growing from their crown.
A true lily will have only one stem; some other lilies, such as peace lilies, canna lilies, water lilies of the valley, and Calla lilies, are not real lilies. Unless you are a real flower enthusiast, it can be hard to tell any major difference between real lilies and fake ones.