The Ajwain in English has many names. In this article, we will look through all of them. The importance of Ajwain can be heard in almost every part of India, as for a long time, the herb has made a name for itself in the country.
The ajwain herb’s seeds are very famous; the seeds carry a bitter taste and are known to be very intense. But the seeds here are quite nutritious and rich in fiber, antioxidants, and many more nutritional benefits. This article will look through all the aspects of Ajwain in English and give you all the critical information about it.

At the end of the day, Ajwain is a seed and nothing else. So the usage of Ajwain will be limited, but the Indian household has opened up the ingredient to far more usage. There are countless ways you can consume the seed to your body without sticking to one dish.
This article will also cover the recipes and cuisine methods used to consume Ajwain without the direct approach.
English name | Ajwain, Carom seed, Bishop’s weed, and Ajowan Caraway |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Species | T. ammi |
Clade | Tracheophytes |
Clade | Angiosperms |
Clade | Eudicots |
Genus | Trachyspermum |
Phylum | Chordata |
Order | Apiales |
Binomial Name | Trachyspermum ammi |
Family | Apiaceae |
Ajwain in English name
Ajwain seed in English is called Carom seed, Bishop’s weed, and Ajowan Caraway; the seed has been made into quite a lot of traditional dishes in india. You will often find different names attached to the seed no matter where you are planning to land in india. Every language in India will have a different name for Ajwain.
The history behind Ajwain will take us back to the Egyptian era, as the herb prefers to grow in dry and barren areas. Nowadays, the cultivation of Ajwain has made it into major places in South asia countries.
The popularity of the ajwain seed comes from the range of benefits it offers to our bodies. The color of the seeds is brown, and they are known for their bitter taste. In many parts of India, ajwain seeds would go through many steps before it reaches the mouth of any person.
Since it carries a bitter taste, direct consumption might only be suitable for some people. Hence there are different techniques that go into play to make the seed more appealing. Most people will stick to Ajwain since it is the popular name for carom seed.
Products of ajwain seed
Click here to check products of ajwain on Amazon.
Benefits of Ajwain seed
The number of benefits that come from ajwain seeds can be too much if you have never heard about them in your local market or online. The Ajwain in English or carom seeds lacks in research, so when you come across a benefit that sounds a bit too much, then you will have to look at the article backing up the claim.
Anyone can find the benefits of Ajwain in English and in many other languages, but you will have to know about the factual evidence before you decide to buy them. Take a look at the range of side effects before reading up about the benefits, so you will be aware of how you should consume the seed without putting your life in jeopardy.
This section will be all about the benefits that come from Ajwain seeds.
1. Nutrients presence in Ajwain seeds
Ajwain seed in English comes with the same amount of nutritional and mineral value as it does in Tamil, telgule, and many other languages found in india. The range of nutrition value will stay the same on both sides of the coin.
It is the nutritional value that made the dish popular amongst many people in the world. Certainly, in dia, the seed has grown its roots, as the range of nutrition and vitamins will make for a decently healthy diet plan.
Nutrients Amount per 100 g
Energy 357.31 kcal
Carbohydrates 24.53 g
Protein 15.89 g
Fiber 20.58 g
Calcium 1034 mg
Fat 21.11 g
Phosphorous 329 mg
zinc 5.67 mg
Iron 13.65 mg
Omega-3 fats 76.71 mg
Sodium 28.58 mg
Potassium 1692 mg
Folate (vitamin B9) 51.79 mcg
Beta carotene 746 mg
Vitamin A 124.33 mcg
Magnesium 273 mg
Manganese 6.86 mg
Most of the benefits linked to Ajwain come from its range of nutritional values present in them. Almost all the value that comes from Ajwain will reside in its nutritional value present in them.
2. Digest health
The enzymes in Ajwain help improve the flow of stomach acid. This will have a positive effect on your digestive system inside the body as it will prevent bloating, gas, and indigestion. The plant has also made its way to help with peptic ulcers as well as having a positive effect against sores in the stomach, intestine, and esophagus.
3. Lowers blood pressure
The study here done on rates shows thymol found in Ajwain will maintain the calcium level in the body. It will keep the calcium from ever entering the blood vessel, which will lower the blood pressure.
4. Cough Relief
Ajwain in English will help you with relieving your cough. It will also open your nose to make breathing much easier. People who are dealing with asthma may find Ajwain to be a healthy ingredient to add to the current diet plan.
5. Deals with infection
There are countless essential oils found in Ajwain that make our health better as it gives our bodies enough ammunition to fight off bacteria and fungi. They also tackle bacteria like salmonella and E. coli.
6. Other lists of benefits
- It helps with congestion relief.
- The anti-inflammatory properties of Ajwain help with lowering the pain of toothache.
- The thymol found in Ajwain will help you deal with your oral health.
- Ajwain can also deal with pain and swelling.
- Ajwain said to deal with infection, there are oils you can find made from Ajwain that can help deal with many of the common diseases in the world.
These are the highlight benefits that you will find with Ajwain seed. Only most of them will have evidence backing up the claim. If you are reading about the benefits, and they sound overpromising, then you will have to jump to another page.
Most brands have released a product, and to market it better, they will often use over-promising results from their products.
Side effects of Ajwain seed
While many of the side effects coming from ajwain seeds are very small in impact on our health, that doesn’t mean you should take it without careful reading. People who are going through diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, and any liver dishes must put a restraint on how much ajwain seed they should consume in a day.
An excessive intake of Ajwain will put your overall health in jeopardy. Here are some of the major side effects that could happen if you decide to raise the consumption of ajwain seed.
- Ajwain seed can stimulate gastric secretions, which will make existing peptic ulcers worse.
- Overconsumption of Ajwain can lead to skin irritation, vomiting, allergy, and headache.
Please consult a doctor before you try anything out in your diet. Most of the problems that come with ajwain seed can be added to its daily amount. Going over the daily amount will put you at a bad time; if you are allergic, then consuming a small amount of Ajwain will be deadly.
Highlights of Ajwain seed
Here are the interesting highlights of Ajwain’s seed. This section will cover all the topics that make Ajwain seed very popular amongst people.
- It comes with a healthy number of nutrients and minerals.
- The taste here is bitter and pungent, but there are alternative ways present to make the ingredients more appealing in a dish.
- The seeds are known to be very anti-inflammatory.
- Overconsumption of the seed might turn out poorly for your health, even though the seed has a long range of benefits and nutritional value.
- You will find countless recipes working around the Ajwain seed to make the dish taste better.
- Many have adopted the Ajwain seed in their diet.
Ajwain seed in English meaning might differ, but the core value of the seed stays the same. The highlight here shows us how the seed is rising in popularity in many of the marketplaces, where the craving for healthy food is rising over time.
Some photo of ajwain

Ajwain seed Nutrients list
Ajwain in English translates to the same meaning as it does in other languages; the benefits you will read about the Ajwain seed will come from the range of nutrients it has to offer to our bodies.
Compared to most of the available seeds that you can easily find in the market, Ajwain offers the best value for your money by offering healthy food at a decent price point. This section will cover almost all the nutrients that come with Ajwain seed. The numbers mentioned below are taken from 100g of Ajwain seeds.
Nutrients | Amount per 100 g |
Energy | 357.31 kcal |
Carbohydrates | 24.53 g |
Protein | 15.89 g |
Fiber | 20.58 g |
Calcium | 1034 mg |
Fat | 21.11 g |
Phosphorous | 329 mg |
zinc | 5.67 mg |
Iron | 13.65 mg |
Omega-3 fats | 76.71 mg |
Sodium | 28.58 mg |
Potassium | 1692 mg |
Folate (vitamin B9) | 51.79 mcg |
Beta carotene | 746 mg |
Vitamin A | 124.33 mcg |
Magnesium | 273 mg |
Manganese | 6.86 mg |
With the range of healthy vitamins and minerals it has to offer, it will make decent changes to your health habits and your daily demands. You can add to your overall diet to make it more healthy and effective.
About Ajwain seeds
While it is difficult to tell the difference between the seeds from Ajwain to others, here are some of the ways you can differentiate Ajwain seeds from others that you find in the market. This section will cover the visual aesthetics of the seed.
Appearance of Ajwain seeds
Ajawains come with the appearance of overall shaped small seeds like fruits. The appearance here matches the plants of caraway, cumin, and fennel.
Seed Size of Ajwain seeds
They are very small, as most will share the same size without any minor difference between them.
Taste of Ajwain seeds
The seeds here are known to have a very spicy or bitter taste, and the flavor of the seed is said to be very similar to anise and oregano.
Smell of Ajwain seeds
The odor of the seeds is exactly like Thyme because the seeds here carry thymol. A very small amount of Ajwain can have a major impact on the dish, as the fruits here will dominate in flavor.
Cultivation area
The seeds prefer to grow in dry and barren regions; ancient times, the ajwains were grown in Egypt due to their climate. But now the seeds have made it to west asia, it includes regions such as Iran, India, Pakistan, and many other countries.
These are all the appearance details of Ajwain seed or Carom seed that will give you insight into how they appear to be in the open. The popularity of the seed has grown in large numbers, thanks to more people finding out about it through the use of their own research into healthy food.
Types of Ajwain seed
There is yet to be a list of different types of Ajwain seed available in the market. There is one type of Ajwain you will come across under a different name. The annual herb has dominated the Indian market, where you find both leaves and seed-like fruits on sale for consumption.
While some of them might come in different colors, the nutritional value within them will stay the same without any major or minor differences.
Recipes of Ajwain in the cuisine world
Ajwain in English might have a different name, but the recipes available in the Indian market will be suitable for anyone who wants to make scent changes to their diet plan.
Seed You don’t have to put in any additional effort in making these dishes, just a few minutes of your time will be enough to create some healthy good Ajwain recipes that will steal the taste buds away from anyone. Most of the dishes are very common without anything extra added to make them more appealing.
Most of the dishes here follow simple steps with carom seeds or Ajwain as a side ingredient to make the dish taste better by adding a health component to it. This section will cover some of the most popular Ajwain dishes available for you to try out.
1. Ajwain samosa
The seeds can make the samosa taste even better; it has been used on many street foods in the county. Most people prefer to take the ajwain seeds with paneer pakoras and bhajis. The Ajwain adds a much better taste to the samosa.
2. Ajwain water
The appetizing aroma with a tingling taste is what makes the Ajwain water appealing to people. It bodes well in the stomach without creating any discomfort inside. You will be able to ingest and digest the water without feeling uncomfortable inside.
The water can be used for weight loss since Ajwain earned the title of natural digestive aid, which will clear your digestive tract. It can also help with your metabolism, which will help you with your weight loss.
People here take the water first thing in the morning. You can take two glasses of ajwain and turmeric milk per day for two or three days.
3. Ajwain Rotis
Ajwain seeds have made their way into Punjabi matar ka paratha and methi missi roti to give a pleasant flavor and taste.
4. Ajwain in snacks
The seeds can also be added to the dough of the snake, like papdis and math. You can use the powder in many ways to enhance the overall appearance and taste of the dishes.
5. Marination with Ajwain
You can marinate the Ajwain with other vegetables to give it a more spicy coating and flavor to them. The visual aesthetic of the dish can be very charming.
These are some of the famous dishes that use Ajwain as a main or side ingredient to bring the much-needed taste out of the dish without adding anything bad to them.
Most of the time, when you are consuming fast food, it tastes good, but you will have to deal with discomfort inside the belly. Ajwain will add a great variety to the taste of the common everyday snack or your favorite dish without making things worse.
You don’t have to be a professional chef to get your way around the Ajwain dishes; knowing the bare basics is enough to get you started. The recipes you will come across on youtube or many articles will be very simple; since it’s an herb, you will have to look for ways to grind it to taste better. You can add it to other ingredients to get more out of them.
Price of Ajwain in India and global
The price of Ajwain in English is certainly affordable and stays consistent almost all the time; you will have to deal with a wide variety of seed prices, but none of them will break the bank for you.
The price of Ajwain seed generally sits around the 200 rupees mark, you will also deal with premium types of Ajwain seed for 300 or more, but most of them will stay under 200 rupees. Take a stroll into any online website you will be able to find the seed listed under 200 rupees with more discounts and offers.
The cost of Ajwain here might be different in all the states of india; buying online things could stay consistent without too much fluctuation. The cost of Ajwain all comes down to the quality of the seed and the brand name attached to it.
The fluctuation of the price will remain between 200 to 300 radars for common branded Ajwain seed.The premium quality might be worth asking for, but trying them might not be a good idea if you have ever tried them again before in your life.
It is better to start off slowly with a common variety of ajwain seeds before moving up the ladder.
The international price for Ajwain seed
The price for Ajwain seed or Carom seed will be sitting at an affordable price range. Buying it from international websites or markets will easily bring the cost of the seed to 400 to 800 rupees ($6 to $8).
Carom seeds are widely popular worldwide; there are various brands competing against each other to get the best quality out in the market. The prices will reflect on the competition; you will find the product being sold at $6 per 100 grams. There are organic and nonorganic versions of Ajwain which will add more to the cost.
The local market in India will offer consumers a basic variation of Ajwain seed or Carom seed. The demand for seed is constantly growing all around the world; the supply in the market has met the demand.
The quality of Ajwain seed will stay at the top of the scale since the demand has pushed many companies to sell the item for an affordable price. On any e-commerce website or in your local market, you will find the seed being sold for $8 or $600 or less.
Buying online might sound like a great idea if you are living in the same county, but if you are shipping the product from the county from another side of the world, then you will have to deal with transportation charges which will add more numbers to the overall cost.
Since the seed is widely available in India, you will have to deal with fewer changes compared to living outside. But the availability of the seeds has made the price even lower.
- Ajwain seed in India prices – from 50 rupees to 200 rupees
- Ajwain seed in Usa. – $8 to $10
- Ajwain seed in China – Â¥250 to Â¥450 (With Tax)
- Ajwain seed in Europe – €1.85 to €2.00
- Ajwain seed in Canada – CA$2.87 to CA$3.00
- Ajwain seed in Australia – A$3.45
All the data was taken from the online market; the links are mentioned below to find the product from the aforementioned countries.
Where should I buy the Ajwain seed?
The demanding items in the market will always have a wide range of supply with more products focusing on quality and quantity of it. All the seed products will have different costs and quality attached to them; Ajwain is no different.
The price of any seed generally stays affordable without raising it. Ajwain seed already dominates the Indian market because of its long usage in the culture. Ajwain in English is also getting popular thanks to the internet.
The high demand for Ajwain seed will have a negative or positive supply and cost. It is better to get the Ajwain seed from the local store than head online. But oftentimes, you will get discounts and coupons to slash the overall cost of the product to 50%.
The local market delivers the quality of the seed by setting the cost between 30 rupees to 100 rupees. You can think about haggling the price down to even lower than 50 rupees. But you will get more offers online, as you might get two Ajwain 100-gram products for the price of one.
The price of Ajwain seed will stay under 200 rupees. The cost of the seed tends to fluctuate, but again, seeds stay in the common ground. Premium brands will push the price to the high zone.
You can get the common variant of the Ajwain without bothering with the premium ones; the seed almost stays the same without any major changes. Common varieties will also come with large discount prices and plenty of offers to lower the cost to even low.
Ajwain in English is very popular in India; when you read about the benefits, you will know why Ajwain products are selling in larger quantities online. While the name is different when you move from one state to another, Ajwain is the most familiar name for its seed. Most people all around the world will refer to the Ajwain as Ajwain without resorting to its other names.
Some products will have a bishop’s weed or carom seed name than Ajwain, but the nutrition list will stay the same in all the products without any major difference between them. Ajwain’s benefits certainly outweigh its price; when you look at the number of benefits, it will make clear how appealing Ajwain is in the world of today, where everybody is stuck to the fast food ritual.
The popularity of the Ajwain seed has given plenty of fast food people a more health-conscious mindset.
Where can I find Ajwain seed in India?
Since the Ajwain prefers mostly dry areas, many cities that are fond of the dry weather will have a perfect climate for the Ajwain seed. In India, Gujarat and Rajasthan are the most popular places where they grow Ajwain seeds. The dry weather bodes well for the cultivation of Ajwain seed.
Is Ajwain seed easy to cook for first-timers?
Since Ajwain is an ingredient, a herb, you will be fine with using Ajwain in many dishes. You can use a powder version or paste variation of Ajwain to add to your dish. Many recipes have followed ajwain seed in many of the traditional dishes available in India and have yet to make any drastic changes.
Look at the aforementioned list of usages of Ajwain; you will find the ingredient almost being used for many dishes that are too common in Indian households. This tells us the ingredient does translate well with other ingredients and makes it better instead of making things worse. If you have any favorite dish, then you try out the Ajwain to make it better without resorting to chemicals.
What does Ajwain seed taste like?
The bitter taste of Ajwain throws most people away, but you can blend the seed with other ingredients to make it better. Consuming directly will leave a bad taste in your mouth.
Please go through the recipes mentioned above to find a way to use Ajwain, as there are countless videos and guides ready to help you find the best usages of Ajwain seed without putting too much effort.
Is Ajwain seed good for your health?
Ajwain seeds carry a long list of benefits that will be good for your health. The sheer number of benefits can be overwhelming to read about; almost all of them are backed up by the nutritional list. The nutrients will have a positive effect on the seed outcome of our health.
The benefits are the reason why ajwain seeds are getting famous around the world. The variation of dishes also made it better for people who don’t want to stick to the same diet plan or regime.
Diversifying the taste is always a better way to experience the same thing over again without feeling dread. Take one look at the recipe section of the article, and you will know why the Ajwain seed is best for people who want to make healthy changes over their current plan.
Are Ajwain seeds expensive?
No, they are very affordable for anyone; you will not have to get them online, as the local market will have the product for a lower price. You will have otp pay around 30 to 50 rupees for a decent Ajwain seed product.
Most branded ones go for 100 rupees; you can get great deals on them if you decide to get a bundle of them. Most online stores do sell the Ajwain seed as a bundle deal to sell more of them.